Couple of Larger Ones on Panel




Both 16 x 20 inches oil on panel .. alla prima .. painted over the last few days
.. found a few old panels and decided to use them ...
The first one looks like storm light to me, a last glimmer of light getting through a turbulent sky. The floral is really interesting and it might be trying to become an abstract near the top! Maybe you liked working larger?
Thank you Donna,
Good observation. They both started as abstracts but I went with the lean and let them evolve into whatever. It’s all just trying this and that and retaining any good you pass through.
I agree with Donna on what the first one looks like and the second looks like a bouquet sitting on an outcropping of rock against a mountain backdrop. :giggle: ❤️
Thanks Sno. Chaulk it up to learning. I think they will look better on the g file stack.