Blue Flowers



11 x 14 Alla Prima 3 blues, lemon yellow, perm rose, titanium white
Gorgeous! Your wife can hang that one next to the Blue Vase. I don't know what blue you are using but it sure is vibrant! (y)
Thank you Sno. I used primary blue, Thalo blue, ultramarine blue, the primary is a little brighter than thalo. The orange and Umber helps it shine. Forgot to mention Burnt Umber.
Sennellier Rave Primary Blue. Had to buy Sennellier as Currys online is all out of gamblin and WN.
I'm trying not to add to my paint stash until I use up some (I only have a few hundred tubes and partial tubes of various colors), but I will keep that color in mind. :giggle:
Expressive brushwork! Perhaps some more compliment in the blue darks/shadows on the flowers. The blue seems too strong, fighting with the rest.
I'm trying not to add to my paint stash until I use up some (I only have a few hundred tubes and partial tubes of various colors), but I will keep that color in mind. :giggle:

According to the Sennelier web site, the pigment code for Rive Gauche Primary Blue is PB15:3, which is phthalo blue. I am sure you have some already from another company, but the same pigment in different paint formulations can look different.
Enyaw, radiant blue flowers and painting! Look at those textures again! Love how the background is painted, the wall tiles .. wow!