Another Word On The Topic Blue


old man

11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. knife .. painted Sept. 12/22
Just stunning! You've ruined my attempts at painting flowers - every time I try, I end up tossing it out, because I think of your gorgeous flower paintings and compare to yours :)
You've ruined my attempts at painting flowers - every time I try, I end up tossing it out, because I think of your gorgeous flower paintings and compare to yours
Thank you CaliAnn. You are a good artist and I am sure you can put your mark on flowers. A word to the wise: never ever compare because you are you and you can't be anyone else: nor would you want to be. Lose yourself in your painting and if not today, another day, you will find yourself trying to express yourself and you will.
Wayne - you are a magician with light - I think that is one of the most impressive things in your flower paintings - they invite you in, and let your eyes dance throughout your painting. You are also very generous with your comments, inspiring me to keep trying. But your right, I shouldn't compare - and I know that - but damn! Hard not to! :)
Another gorgeous arrangement! I like how the blue lends richness to the background but the brightness of the flowers, especially the yellow one, keep the mood from feeling somber (at least to me.)