Along the canal


Well-known member
Hi folks, finally a plein air. We had two days of snow, today was clear but cold. Anyway, walked along waterfront where a bridge crosses the canal. Water mostly frozen.
Freezing cold. Luckily I took methylated spirits to add to my water cos the first wash down froze, basically dry brush.
Couldn't even tape down the paper.
The alcohol stopped the paint freezing but my hands were numb by time I was done.
Gouache 10x25cm on WC paper.
That’s so beautiful, Murray; my favorite of all your interpretations of this scene! You described the feel of the frozen expanse against a cloudy blue sky so well. The reeds and the houses in the distance are wonderful supporting players.
Hi Donna, thank you so much. So cold with people stopping to watch, me kneeling in the snow on the bridge. Took lots of photos to do some at home.

Grapes, thanks, you must be as cold over there but so beautiful to get out.

Jo, thanks, yes, I'm happy for a change.

There were some great locations along Strandvagan with the boats and city views but I will wait for a bit warmer day.
It's cold and snowing here now but soon warmer, already on the weekend promised plus Celsius. I plan to go do pleinair.