Absolutely trash

Mississippi Hippie

Well-known member

Complete garbage!!!!
On the first one, I see a garbage truck. On the second one, I see trash coming out of a trash can. Can you explain these pieces a bit? I'm really interested in knowing - thanks! :)
On the first one, I see a garbage truck. On the second one, I see trash coming out of a trash can. Can you explain these pieces a bit? I'm really interested in knowing - thanks! :)
i have to be honest! i cannot recall the reason behind the title. :( the interpretation... i cannot also remember... if it comes to me i will remind you. i should write things down, maybe? but im not an advanced writer and just something does not seem right to try to explain things i dont have the correct... grounding in writing to say? im sorry.. but if my memory decides to serve me correct ill post here.