3 Winter Landscapes


Branching Out.jpg

Winter Road.jpg
Pond In Winter.jpg

All are 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted Mar 12, 13
Wanted to get more out of less .. below is viewing distance shots

Branching Outs.jpg
Winter Roads.jpg
Pond In Winters.jpg
Thank you Jo and Ayin.
Ayin, my wife fell in love with that one as well. Wish I could get the correct color but my camera has a mind of its own. 🤪
I really like my camera, but I haven't been able to go outside lately to take any pictures because of the crazy wind storms here.
It’s funny how sunlight on snow in big doses can be blinding but a little light peeking through is magical. These are so nice and I like how the trees in the first one are reaching for each other … on Valentines Day!
Thank you Donna. A magical moment.

Ayin, I like my camera but I can’t get true color when I photograph a painting. I can’t get out now as we have too much snow. The back roads are too slick for my liking. We were lucky and didn't get the wind with it. Two storms in a week.
Same here: two or three storms ran through So Cal, rain and wind. Los Angeles got it worse, but the wind was pretty bad here. It's picking up again right now...again! Sheesh. Enough already.

What kind of camera do you have?
I have Nikon Cool Pixel 600. More features than I understand but it takes good pictures. I just have not figured out the right settings for paintings as it intensifies blue and sometimes changes colors of a subtle nature into grey. As for snow we got another foot or two yesterday. Can’t complain though, other parts of Nova Scotia got feet in the first one and now they are in the middle an another two day storm. They have a real problem with no where to put the snow and elderly people have too much snow on the roof.
That's a good camera. I almost got that one. I have a Canon EOS M50 Mark II, which is really good. Also a few more features than I need, but it sure takes great pictures on the auto settings.
When colors come out wrong it's usually due to the color temperature of your lights, or the white balance setting in your camera. Digital cameras in general often have a hard time rendering blue/purple correctly.
My lights are daylight… the white balance is auto. It’s only certain paintings and not all. I won’t lose sleep over it because everyone seeing a block of CAD Red Light sees a different red; as per the guy, Josef Albers, who is famous for color studies. Read that somewhere but can’t remember the sourse.
Well, they are all lovely! I am especially smitten with the top one - love that strip of snow along those reaching branches. Beautiful light in each one. ❤️