Recent content by Sanlynn

  1. Sanlynn

    The Next Sketch Is

    Next: more choice.
  2. IMG_8424.jpeg


  3. Sanlynn

    Menacing Cat

    Yikes, I don’t want to mess with him! Really well done, Anne.
  4. Sanlynn

    The Next Sketch Is

    Next: your choice.
  5. IMG_2375.jpeg


  6. Sanlynn

    Magnolia blossoms

    Sooo pretty. I’m sure it will do well at the show.
  7. Sanlynn

    Happy Teddy

    So sweet! Warm, fuzzy feeling from this little guy.
  8. Sanlynn

    Blue Arctic Butterfly - in progress

    Beautiful colour and very interesting!
  9. Sanlynn

    My Dad #54

    Big hug coming your way. This has a raw look to it, something about that appeals to me. I’m not a portrait artist but I know we have some great ones on this site that could offer advice if you are looking.
  10. Sanlynn

    February Water Media Challenge 2025

    Sorry to hear about your health issues but glad you’re on the mend. Thanks for your comments.
  11. Sanlynn

    The Next Sketch Is

    Love those bright colours! Next: more happy!
  12. IMG_1343.jpeg


  13. Sanlynn

    Crocuses and Hibiscus

    Lovely work, Anne! They would make nice greeting cards.
  14. Sanlynn

    February Water Media Challenge 2025

    Thanks, Joy. It was a lot more work than I initially thought. I have a hard time getting too abstract, I really wanted it to be more so.
  15. Sanlynn

    February Water Media Challenge 2025

    Richard, I missed commenting on you abstract. Your interpretation is really interesting. I’ve been working on this off and on for a couple of weeks. I really wanted to add more light and make it a little more abstract. It has turned out looking like a patchwork quilt. Oh well, I’m calling it...