Recent content by Rikard

  1. Rikard

    Another loose one

    A quick one of Hexenstieg - climb of the withes. I walk up those steps pretty much every day, some 300 steps. And a photo, not showing many steps though.
  2. Whitagram-Image.jpeg


  3. IMG_1828.jpeg


  4. Rikard

    Peaches in the garden

    Thank you Donna. I usually only do one or two washes (or layers). But earlier today I was thinking about adding a darker one for more tonal contrast. That something to try out at least I think.
  5. Rikard

    save me from myself

    Film is great. I used to have a darkroom set up in our old place. Now with small kids running around and limited space, I have given up on it. But rediscovered polaroid film instead. Bought one of those old SX-70 camera (folds flat). It so much fun, but expensive. Go for it. Great camera that...
  6. Rikard

    Peaches in the garden

    Just a tongue in cheek watercolour.
  7. Whitagram-Image.jpeg


  8. Rikard

    I don't know where I'm going

    I’m by no means an experienced artist. But I too have had those thoughts. I think, we are a bit too worried about finding a ”look” or style. Now I have come to the conclusion that it’s better to find a way to work which we find enjoyable. Materials. Tight or loose. Expressive vs more refined...
  9. Rikard

    A little painting from the Austrian alps

    Thanks a lot Joy. I’m always a bit nervous adding people. I tend to do them last, and feel a bit clumsy as I lay down the brush strokes :)
  10. IMG_1677.jpeg


  11. IMG_1677.jpeg


  12. Rikard

    A little painting from the Austrian alps

    Right now I enjoy painting snow and experimenting with different colours.
  13. Rikard

    A little painting from the Austrian alps

    Right now I enjoy painting snow and experimenting with different colours.
  14. Rikard

    February Water Media Challenge 2025

    I did an attempt at the mountain. Not entirely happy about it. But I do think I'm moving in the right direction at least :)
  15. IMG_1254.jpeg

