Rikard's latest activity

  • Rikard
    Rikard reacted to Terri's post in the thread Lappland with Like Like.
    What a beautiful, loose landscape scene! It's near abstract. Lovely!
  • Rikard
    Rikard reacted to john's post in the thread Lappland with Like Like.
    Excellent. I like the granulation too. Size?
  • Rikard
    Rikard replied to the thread Lappland.
    Thank you John. It's on Arches HP quarter size.
  • Rikard
    Rikard posted the thread Lappland in Water Media.
    A sketch of the landscape in the northern parts of Sweden. Lappland.
    • IMG_1119.jpeg
  • Rikard
    Rikard added the media item IMG_1119.jpeg to Water Media.
  • Rikard
    Rikard replied to the thread Turnip.
    Absolutely gorgeous. Love the turtle especially :)
  • Rikard
    Rikard reacted to ams's post in the thread Turnip with Like Like.
    This was done as a challenge on another site. I like all of the curling, ruffled leaves. Ink and Inktense wash in XL Mixed Media...
  • Rikard
    Rikard replied to the thread Loose trees.
    Thank you so much. I do love to paint rather loose :)
  • Rikard
    Rikard reacted to Donna T's post in the thread Loose trees with Like Like.
    I like your style so much, Rikard, and these trees are so beautifully loose and graceful. They might be dancing in the second one...
  • Rikard
    Rikard reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread 202507 & 08 with Like Like.
    Both 11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted last week or earlier this week.
  • Rikard
    A Winsor and Newton #4 mop brush. I’m currenly in love with mop brushes. And this one is perfect for my quarter sheet sized paintings.
  • Rikard
    Rikard reacted to Donna T's post in the thread January Mood with Love Love.
    I took a photo from the car on New's Year's Day (early evening) and challenged myself to crop it and make a painting of the snowy...
  • Rikard
    Rikard reacted to MurrayG's post in the thread West Aussie with Like Like.
    Hi folks, in the vein of minimalist or "abstracted" Wheatfields in West Australia. 2.5x3.5 card, Rembrandt's. Part of the daily...
  • Rikard
    Rikard reacted to MurrayG's post in the thread Tuscan abstracted with Like Like.
    Hi, one of the dailies that was not binned today. 2.5x3.5 on card, Rembrandt's. The search continues for meaning ... This reaaallly goes...
  • Rikard
    Hi all. Here is a painting I finished last night. "Meeting of Elements" is an acrylic on canvas. 82 x 145 cm / 32,3 × 57 inches. My love...