Recent content by OliveOyl

  1. OliveOyl

    Can artificial intelligence art ever really replicate the human artist's emotional authenticity?

    I SAY NO. And this is what convinced me… So, I (still) love Nick Cave, an Australian singer/songwriter who has a blog called the Red Hand Files where people write letters to him and he responds to as many as possible. This guy named Mark asked a ChatGPT program to write something “in the style...
  2. OliveOyl

    Which 5 art related things did you do last week?

    1. Read “All Fours” by Miranda July (film director, screenwriter, actress and author) about a semi-famous artist who decides to drive cross-country. A sexual awakening ensues. Recommended reading because it was fantastic! 2. Got accepted into a show called “Women’s Work 2025” at a local...
  3. OliveOyl

    January Mood

    Yep! I think you’re very good at creating landscapes with this “abstracted sense of reality” (if that’s the correct phrase…). Sophisticated colors. Layers of a dream. (They’re ALL a pleasure to see, even though I don’t usually comment).
  4. OliveOyl

    That Night

    Hi Bongo. Very nice! It’s so simple but captures mystery…who, what, where and why?? The sky is deep and dark and the light illuminates the places around the picture the way light SHOULD illuminate. Not that I know how light illuminates, or even how to paint it. I just mean - to my eyes - it...
  5. OliveOyl

    Evil Paint , Help !

    I don’t know what oil paints you’re using and I’m no expert on what’s what anyway, but if you feel comfortable using house paints, I say use them! And if you want things to dry super fast, then don’t use oils. But we’re all different. I happen to LIKE working on things that take awhile and for...
  6. OliveOyl

    AI might possibly be useful afterall.

    I just uploaded a photo of a bison and it thinks it’s a painting. Haha. Back to reprogramming class, you tool! You would think…AT LEAST…it knows a photo from an artwork, right? Like aren’t photos in its DNA? Wouldn’t that be included in programming lesson #101? I don’t know…I’m the last person...
  7. OliveOyl

    AI might possibly be useful afterall.

    I uploaded my last two paintings. The bot-thing used stylistic words like “pop,” “fantasy,” and “futurism” which is how I’d probably label them too. It said in the first painting that I was “perhaps commenting on societal perceptions” and in the second painting that I was “imparting a message of...
  8. OliveOyl

    What are you up to?

    And…before I start painting and head back into my winter hibernation, I wanted to say this stuff: So, I woke up to the news of the election just as we were also being hit by an “unprecedented” blizzard that lasted for the following 3 days. Figures. This storm did the usual kind of winter damage...
  9. OliveOyl

    What are you up to?

    You all are such good doobies with your donations and such. I just can’t imagine anybody would want/need any of my weirdos. Do they take anything? Do they ever say, “Ummm. No thanks?”
  10. OliveOyl

    What ROCK Music are you listening to?

    REM was one of my bands way back in the day. The chorus of this song would still rattle through my mind every now and then. But today, as I listened again to the whole song (and the sweetness of the boy in the video), it hit me in a brand new way. Almost made me cry. Nostalgia for the innocence...
  11. OliveOyl

    From our trip to Italy & Malta

    Lucky you….for being able to travel there and to capture such lovely images. Thanks for sharing. By the (who cares?) way, my “people” are from Sciaccia which I I’ve always pronounced it as “Ski AT cha.” But I actually met somebody whose family lived there and she said it’s pronounced “SHOCK a.”...
  12. OliveOyl

    What are you up to?

    Hi Kay…yes, they use prickly pear cactus in cooking. I only had it once in a skeevy saloon place with guns and taxidermy on the walls. I thought it was guacamole (was green and served with nachos) but it had rubbery hard chunks and looked strange. That’s when I realized it was something gross...
  13. OliveOyl

    What are you up to?

    Last week, I took a walk in one of our canyons. Some like the mountains, some like the bosque, but I think I’m starting to like the canyons best. It feels like being embraced by a huge bowl of landscape. Or something. We have four of them over here on the westside mesa (of Albuquerque) and are...
  14. OliveOyl

    What are you working on?

    Thank you, Sno. Thank you, Sno. 🙂 Okay, this is pretty great! Congratulations. That “bridle” (never would have thought of the proper name and was going to call it a harness or rein or leather horse thing) is really well done. And so are the curls in her hair. You so good…
  15. OliveOyl

    What are you working on?

    Wow Sno…how many commissions do you do? How do you find people, or how do they find YOU? And good luck with it…I’m sure it will turn out fantastic, as always. And…by the way, those Australian mug shots were actually, beautifully photographed, especially for what they were. In 2013, I used some...