Recent content by MurrayG

  1. MurrayG

    I don't know where I'm going

    Hi Bethany, Rikard, Paintboss, Donna. Thanks for the inputs. You are all right, I'm not necessarily trying to create a style, which I think has many personal factors layered into any work. More about, what method helps me paint and appear "readable" at least for me. I started a lifetime ago with...
  2. MurrayG

    Selfie #64

    On the mend. Thanks Terri, Jo and triduana
  3. MurrayG

    Selfie #64

    Thanks Balaji, from one talented at sketches, nice.
  4. MurrayG

    Selfie #64

    Hi folks, I was reading some poetry about light and dark ... Miracles. And the thoughts stuck. Anyway, dealing with another dose of wog, aches, sore throated etc etc but managed a daily. It's a selfie using a photo ref. Gouache on WC 300gm, 10x15cm.
  5. IMG_5219.jpg


  6. MurrayG

    Can artificial intelligence art ever really replicate the human artist's emotional authenticity?

    Complicated. AI at the moment can produce work that evokes emotion etc. But.... Not until singularity will an AI produce work from a self aware perspective where it wants to be artistic! Until then, it's a tool that mayyy be used if that rocks your boat. However, it will be interesting to see if...
  7. MurrayG

    My Dad #54

    Thank you for those thoughts Bart. Appreciate the feedback
  8. MurrayG

    My Dad #54

    Sno, thank you soooo much
  9. MurrayG

    My Dad #54

    A slightly better photo.
  10. IMG_5171.jpg


  11. MurrayG

    My Dad #54

    Thank you Sanlynn for the comments and support. stephenD, thanks so much. The photo seems to pop some of the colours more than the painting. But I'm ok with the "rawness" of the work, kinda what I'm aiming at overall.
  12. MurrayG

    My Dad #54

    Hi folks, today's daily was an emotional ride. My Dad, now passed, from a photo during the wake for Mum.. .. Gouache on WC 300gm paper 10x15cm. The likeness is ok, as the colours dry and settle, I see some passages that could be better, but not sure I can do more... hurts. Sorry, I needed to...
  13. IMG_5168.jpg


  14. MurrayG

    Andre daily #49

    Thanks so much Sanlynn Sno, appreciate the goughts Ams, thanks for the compliments. Oh, its 10x15cm not 25....
  15. MurrayG

    This or That #51+52

    Dude, high five. One day we will drink on it.