Recent content by kenny91

  1. kenny91

    Can you use soft and oil pastels in a mixed media sketch book.

    To further protect your pastel drawings from smudging, you can place a sheet of glassine or parchment paper over the completed page before closing the sketchbook. This provides a protective layer between pages, minimizing the chance of smudging. If you're concerned about potential smudging, you...
  2. kenny91

    Tips for Using Oil Pastels.

    Use paper towels to keep your oil pastel sticks clean and free of other colors. Oil pastels are a very vibrant medium. Try to keep the individual sticks clean as you work. Moreover, there is a tip for you that you can blend the oil pastels by pre-blending in a palette or directly on the paper...
  3. kenny91

    My cousin Danny from photo

    Wow, the portrait is so beautiful. Looking at it, I have a feeling that it is nostalgic and ancient. I really like that.
  4. kenny91


    Great demo. Look at the final generated drawing, it's really beautiful and real. Thank you for such detailed instructions.