Recent content by jmfletch

  1. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #151: Mar 03 - Mar 11

    Ai - I meant they all looked more stressed than casual taking exams . The plate of veggies is super. The colors on the purple onion look spot on! Good job capturing the texture on all the onions.
  2. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #151: Mar 03 - Mar 11

    Joan - Beautiful pencil work on both. Air is simply stunning. Stephanie - You captured elegant well. Ai - Somehow I don’t ‘t think the students would consider those poses as casual. 😂 Ned - Hoping you remember your pocket sketchbook so we get a peek at your future fishing hole. Jo, Robin...
  3. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #151: Mar 03 - Mar 11

    Joan. - Going to borrow grapes and iblueberries idea. Neocolors look like pastels. I remember my mother and aunts seemed to always wear brooches when dressed up. Loved cameos. Had I great aunt who had a brooch with lady in silhouette on bone or ivory. It was really pretty and unique...
  4. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #151: Mar 03 - Mar 11

    Joan, Tutties! I was close. Miss a few things about NY most are food like bagels, pizza and bakeries. Down here the closest thing to a bakery is supermarkets where they bake there own bread.😂🤣
  5. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #151: Mar 03 - Mar 11

    Ai - Love the cat café sketches. All I could think was how do they keep the cats off tables where people are eating? 😎 The herbal dip dish sounds delicious but put that plate by me and I am eating shrimp not herbs. Jo - Excellent hatching on the bow. Joan - Seeing a bike hanging fro the...
  6. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #151: Mar 03 - Mar 11

    Stephanie. - Thanks for the list Joan- you really should teach a class in painting brickwork. Super. Your cars are getting almost as good as your buildings which is high praise. Love the shades and tones of the dune grasses. Ned, Ai, Jo and Vivien 👋🏽👋🏽 Keep sketching and learning Fletch
  7. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #150: Feb 23 -Mar 02.

    Ai - All 3 are nicely done but really like the composition and shadows in the fishing fretting. That one really calls me, Jo - Two tough subject in one sketch. Car and barren tree. Both well done. Cool hummingbird cup. Ned - Great job? Love the soft ink shading. Thanks to all for sharing...
  8. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #150: Feb 23 -Mar 02.

    Ai -The sketches of the mask and ceremony are wonderful. Do not hear many acknowledge the spiritual side of art which makes it more interesting that your culture actually has a ceremony for it. Joan - Like the aerial perspective in the grasses painting. Wow. That is a lot of background work...
  9. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #150: Feb 23 -Mar 02.

    Ai, love the bow wake on the blue boat and like water motion in both boats. Like the impressionist style in train, bridge and temple. Got hooked on sticky rice in Hawaii. Grew up on minute rice which I no longer care for. Nice work! The flowers and statue are excellent! Thought the first...
  10. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #150: Feb 23 -Mar 02.

    Joan, ran out of superlatives! But where is the Photo? Fletch
  11. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #150: Feb 23 -Mar 02.

    Wow! Joan abnd Ai got us off to a great start. Joan, as I scrolled down through each one my thoughts were “Oh this great!” The proportions, perspective and colors caught me in the first. The second the croissant just seem to come off the page then I got to looking at the cool reflections and...
  12. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life 149 Feb 15 - Feb 23

    New hunt is posted. Should be early Sunday for folks on the other side of the world. Sorry no link. It never works for me. EP use to do them when I posted. Ai - Great line quality in restaurant sketch. Agree with Joan, your chairs look solid enough to be sat on. Jo - Love the hatching on a...
  13. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life #150: Feb 23 -Mar 02.

    Welcome to the Scavenger Hunts from Life. The Hunts were started in 2006 by Jamie Williams Grossman as a way to practice with prompts. Artists have come and gone while forming some lasting friendships. We hope you will join in and tune up your sketching skills. All levels and techniques are...
  14. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life 149 Feb 15 - Feb 23

    Ai - Love the pink flowering trees. So spring like. Excellent line work on the perfume bottles. Colorful clothes clamps. The mall art rendering is excellent. Like the Tone sketch and think the artistic license is perfect. Stephane - Nice composition on the succulents and the light touch of...
  15. jmfletch

    Scavenger Hunt from Life 149 Feb 15 - Feb 23

    Joe - love the Donald! Sorry all got some drawing done but used comment time to maeuplidtfir next hunt. Try to be back later or tomorrow with comments. #1 clothes pin, This started out to be an ink sketch in sketchbook but than decided to add watercolor. Used pencil for basic shape. Keep...