Recent content by Daimonart_

  1. D

    Newest piece. Inspired by Sofia Bonita and Aryz. Very pleased with the end result.
  2. D

    Hello everyone, my name is Domien Dufour aka daimon. I've just started posting my stuff online after lots of doubts and lots of hard work.

    All these comments are really making my day! Such a supportive forum! Thank you so much for these kind words.
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    Glad you like it! It's made on Procreate on the Ipadpro 😁
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  5. D

    Hello everyone, my name is Domien Dufour aka daimon. I've just started posting my stuff online after lots of doubts and lots of hard work.

    Thank you very much. Feels like a very welcoming and warm forum. I never tell what I was thinking while making the piece or what it is trying to tell for me. Some mystery and imagination is what makes art so interesting for me. 😁
  6. D

    Hello everyone, my name is Domien Dufour aka daimon. I've just started posting my stuff online after lots of doubts and lots of hard work.

    Yes it is a digital artwork. Thnks a whole lot. Really love to hear some real feedback. I came to these forums to hear some real opinions because social media is full of these real superficial comments. I think I'm gonna love it here!