Recent content by BArtsy

  1. BArtsy

    Soft Pastels- Sennelier, Girault, Great American, Unison

    Sennelier, Girault and Unison pastels have been sold. Great American pastels still available.
  2. BArtsy

    Dakota Traveler Pastel Carriers

    Both pastel carriers have been sold.
  3. BArtsy

    Soft Pastels- Terry Ludwig, Diane Townsend

    The full set of Diane Townsends has been sold. The Lot 2 and Lot 3 of Terry Ludwigs has been sold.
  4. BArtsy

    Why I use Alkyd Paints

    For awhile I was using alkyds, but sometimes I wanted the paint to stay wet longer (especially mixed colors on my palette that I wanted to use the next day)... Now I use traditional oils because I have the option of either adding an alkyd like Liquin or M. Graham walnut alkyd for drying more...
  5. BArtsy

    Four fer day

    I really like these! Love the cow hybrid! :). you make me want to get outside with watercolors which I haven't done in a couple of years! Fun!
  6. BArtsy

    Fall colour daily

    When you said cropping out the right side, did you crop both trees out? I think you could crop out just the right most tree, pretty much exactly at the left side of the trunk- I do like the dynamic of having one of the leaning trees in the painting as a whole! Leaving one leaning tree balances...
  7. BArtsy

    Fall colour daily

    This is a wonderful painting- but one observation- you mentioned that you cropped off the right side of the painting and were happier with it. I think what might be happening compositionally, is the trunks of the two right trees start at the same place at the base of the tree, and both trunks...
  8. BArtsy

    A Useful Pigment Database

    Wow, I have never seen this site- although I'm not doing watercolor these days... thanks for the link! It sort of reminds me of handprint, which I used a lot in circa 2008 when I was starting my watercolor journey... even though I oil paint now, I find knowing the pigment information...
  9. BArtsy

    WIP- Toyon berries

    Not the best photo, but pretty close... but the photo doesn't show the depth in the shadows. As a note, the background didn't turn out quite as I hoped- it's much more refined, I was hoping to keep the background thinner and more sketchy. But on to the next painting... The purpose of this...
  10. Toyon berry painting.jpg

    Toyon berry painting.jpg

  11. BArtsy

    Soft Pastels- Terry Ludwig, Diane Townsend

    These are my two favorite brands and I hate to part with them, but they have been collecting dust in my closet... time to let somebody else love them! If you are interested in two "lots" or more, I'd be happy to give a discount! Thanks. Three different lots of Terry Ludwig Artist Soft...
  12. BArtsy

    Sargent study

    These are wonderful and Sargent is a great master to study watercolor with! I took a semester watercolor class at a community college in 2012- and we painted that same cottage, your first one! I'll have to see if I still have it somewhere! Nice memories for me, thanks for sharing!
  13. BArtsy

    Florida boardwalk - image transfer

    I am new to CS and randomly clicking on posts... I really like this! It is very unique- and I ADORE small panels- almost all my oil paintings are on 6"x8"! Like the warmness and the palm trees!
  14. BArtsy

    Two little studies

    One other thought I forgot to mention- and something I often forget in my own work- is that for shadows to be most convincing, they should have brush strokes going in the same direction as the brush strokes in the ground plane- so that the shadow becomes part of that surface. If you make the...
  15. BArtsy

    WIP- Toyon berries

    Hi all- I thought for my first painting upload here at CS, I would post a WIP so you all could follow along with me! I work from life, so this a branch from a berry bush I have in my front yard that I setup on my still-life stand. This is an easel shot. I always start with an underpainting...