Bartc's latest activity

  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread Oldies Revisited with Like Like.
    11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 10/24 distance view
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to Mississippi Hippie's post in the thread Your choice of medium/media? with Like Like.
    I paint Expressionism, but when I paint something different I use acrylics for them, too. I think I get what your painting teacher was...
  • Bartc
    Bartc replied to the thread Your choice of medium/media?.
    IME, you can get pretty much the same effect with any style you want in acrylics as with oils. They just handle differently.
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to stlukesguild's post in the thread Your choice of medium/media? with Unsure Unsure.
    I feel that oil has an immediate lushness or sensuality that can only be achieved in acrylic through layers of paint… and mind you, I...
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread Snow and Water with Like Like.
    11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 10/24 distant view ...
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to ams's post in the thread Daisies with Like Like.
    I never know whether to post this type of art in "Ink and Marker" or "Water Media" since it's both. This was a complete pen and ink...
  • Bartc
    Bartc replied to the thread Your choice of medium/media?.
    I may be an outlier (nothing new....) Drawing/sketching since early childhood, but didn't take up painting as the rest of the family...
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to Donna T's post in the thread Where is Donna? with Love Love.
    Hi Wayne, if you mean me I’m still kicking. I’ve been trying to keep my head above an ocean of pain and don’t have energy left for...
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread Another Floral with Like Like.
    11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 8/24 distance view
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to Enyaw's post in the thread Farmer's Peep Hole with Like Like.
    11 x 14 inches .. oil on paper .. alla prima .. painted July 7/24 .. still prodding along with my value first approach
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to MurrayG's post in the thread Once upon a headland with Like Like.
    Hi folks. This is an ATC of the scene I talk about involving art activism You can see the scene is kinda unremarkable. But the place I...
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to ams's post in the thread Relay Race with Like Like.
    About 3.5" x 5", ink and Inktense in XL Mixed Media sketchbook. I haven't done a lot of figure drawing so I decided to challenge myself...
  • Bartc
    Bartc replied to the thread Activist art.
    I'm mindful of having my hand slapped for posting my opinion of art defacing "activists". It's up to the moderators what's acceptable...
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to Bongo's post in the thread Activist art with Like Like.
    First they came for the Plein Airists and I did not speak out because I was not a Plein Airist... then they came for me..
  • Bartc
    Bartc reacted to Balaji's post in the thread Another Nick with Like Like.
    This came up today as a ten year old memory of mine on Facebook. But this was actually sketched in 2010. The reference photo is by...