What art supplies have you bought recently?


Contributing Member
As per title ...

I thought it might be fun and interesting to see what we're all buying ourselves from the art department.

I just got this ceramic palette delivered today. The wells are small but I'll be using it for putting my watercolours in straight from the tube rather than for mixing.


Anyone else want to share?
I've just bought more white charcoal pencils, Kneadable erasers and Canson's Pastel paper pads in assorted colours
for drawing AND a REALLY nice block of white alabaster for sculpting !:)
About a month ago, I bought some more Neocolor II crayons in colors I didn't have yet, a second crayon sharpener after the first was disappointing, a Derwent Drawing pencil I didn't have yet, and a matte acrylic paint set. I always keep a cart with something in it at Dick Blick, because I usually realize I forgot to order something as soon as I place the order.

Next up: More Neocolor II crayons, a sumi brush set, a stencil brush set (for odorless mineral spirits and colored pencil blending), and a Holbein soft white colored pencil. That's what's in the cart right now; may add more.
Last month I treated myself to the Portraits set of Caran D'Ache Luminance pencils, (all new colours).

I haven't used them much yet as I'm focusing on water media at the moment, but I know I'll get the urge to do some coloured pencil work again some time soon.
About a month ago, I bought some more Neocolor II crayons in colors I didn't have yet, a second crayon sharpener after the first was disappointing, ....
For Neocolor II, I use normal pencil sharpeners which aren't sharp enough for pencils anymore. They work really nicely.
Last month I treated myself to the Portraits set of Caran D'Ache Luminance pencils, (all new colours).

I haven't used them much yet as I'm focusing on water media at the moment, but I know I'll get the urge to do some coloured pencil work again some time soon.
I'm jealous! Caran D'Ache pencils sound amazing. As for water media, I hope to get a set of Inktense by Derwent soon. If not for the holidays as a gift, then I'll splurge on them myself after. They seem really interesting and capable of fantastic effects.
I don't use coloured pencils very often but I think I prefer using them on black paper, I like the way it makes you think about light and shade in a different way.
I agree! I was actually pretty nervous when I first started using the black paper, because I thought it might be hard for me to wrap my head around. But I picked up on it pretty quickly. It's such a fun change when you get the hang of it.
I'm jealous! Caran D'Ache pencils sound amazing. As for water media, I hope to get a set of Inktense by Derwent soon. If not for the holidays as a gift, then I'll splurge on them myself after. They seem really interesting and capable of fantastic effects.
I'm a big fan of Inktense, they are very versatile.
Im always buying so i cant recognized what is recently. Im buying more than im work. Im addicted to hardware stores and all industrial stuff. moreover everytime im meating art store i enter like about its my food store.
Last Thursday I bought some floater frames for 16x20-inch canvases that have a 3/4-inch profile from Jerry's Artarama. From Blick, I bought a couple new angular/bright oil brushes (a rare buy for me), but I got some sizes I don't have. I also bought a new Ampersand gessoboard.

Then yesterday I bought three tubes of oil paint, two from Holbein (Yellow Gray and Foundation Umber) and one Gamblin (Titanium Buff).

I regularly buy supplies.
Im addicted to hardware stores and all industrial stuff.
Hardware stores are as dangerous as art stores. A couple of weeks ago I went into my local one just for some wood glue: I came with out with the glue, some bits of timber, a new bolt for the back gate and an angle grinder that was on offer. :LOL:

dip pens for line art and sketching
I adore using dip pens but I had to stop because I became too good at knocking the ink bottle over. I ruined a pair of jeans, got the floor and table more than once (luckily it wiped clean) and I had to re-paint part of my living room wall! Now I just don't trust myself.