Vanity press?


Well-known member
CAFE every week turns up a group of Canadian based calls for artists. These have zero fee to enter, but following the links it appears to me that they only charge a fee (not given) for "selected works", meaning you pay to publish.

These supposed magazines or online galleries are all from Canadian sources, either in Toronto or Vancouver that I've noticed. Same format, but a dozen different interesting sounding names. The extent of them and the obvious similarities tipped me off.

While I am not a detective, these appear to me to be essentially a version of what's called the "vanity press" in the trade. Publications that sound so prestigious that you think to be honored to be asked. Then there's a fee for publication, which I suspect will be hefty, and lord only knows if anyone ever sees these publications or if they have any actual distribution. With online stuff these days it's much easier to claim a "distribution" of size than even those throwaway free ad print papers you get at the supermarkets.

Now it's legit to charge to display in some galleries, a common practice. And though I hate it personally, many legit calls for submissions do charge a fee for reviewing the works. So while that might not be to my taste, that's not what I'm concerned about here. It's the potential for bait and switch for the unwary that concerns me.

Years ago I used to get those solicitations (as did anyone remotely in the public eye) from "Who's Who." Found out the real score early and didn't bother with them. Now to see these soliciting artists and being listed on what I thought was a legit art call site is irksome.

Remember, I'm not making definitive statements about any of the parties, just stating the doubts raised in my mind. Anybody have any inside info on these?
No info but my thoughts without any base are .. lucky you, you have been selected. For a fee we can get you to a bigger audience. That bigger audience being the one who took your money.
No info but my thoughts without any base are .. lucky you, you have been selected. For a fee we can get you to a bigger audience. That bigger audience being the one who took your money.
And seven of his friends and relatives and employees....
The only presses I know of that are really legit are Studio Visit Magazine (don't know if they are still publishing) and New American Paintings, which only charge a submission fee, though that one is hefty. If you are selected, they take care of the rest. They print out of Boston, MA. I haven't heard of these Canadian ones. I've been in Studio Visit, but not NAM, which I do try for every year. Maybe one day. Many major galleries pay attention to who is in there, but they only select about 50 artists each year, per region.
The only presses I know of that are really legit are Studio Visit Magazine (don't know if they are still publishing) and New American Paintings, which only charge a submission fee, though that one is hefty. If you are selected, they take care of the rest. They print out of Boston, MA. I haven't heard of these Canadian ones. I've been in Studio Visit, but not NAM, which I do try for every year. Maybe one day. Many major galleries pay attention to who is in there, but they only select about 50 artists each year, per region.
Helps to know which are legit. Bothered by CAFE listing these sites that to me are suspect.