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The B+W picture was taken using the Hypocam app on my Samsung Galaxy J2. The second one is the same photo, but passed through the Sketch Camera app's "Blue Pen" filter. Just kinda curious if you folks think the second (blue) photo is wandering into the "digital art" realm.


Hypo 34 'Old Bldg' 22-03-03 (Sm) (CS).jpg

Hypo 34a 'Old Bldg' 22-03-03 (Sm) (CS).jpg
I prefer the top one. The second definitely looks like it's been run through a filter. Don't really understand the question. Doesn't it become digital art once you manipulate it digitally? Nothing wrong with that though. ;)
Agreed - nothing particularly wrong with digital manipulation, and I do like the Blue Pen.

But - I prefer the lovely B&W here. You could sharpen it a bit, add a little contrast if you wanted.

Personal preferences rule here. ;) It's what you like that matters.
Thanks, all! I guess I like both of them 😱, so I was looking for some other opinions. I think the clarity of line in the blue one has an appeal to me. I'd better go back and take a few more shots –the building is getting "more rickettier"!

It's a very interesting photo, I like it a lot! I prefer the top version, but I am curious to know how it would look if you blended the two together.