Teatime sketches


Contributing Member
I'm trying something new because I'm still in an artistic slump at the moment. I'll be doing a lot of work outdoors this summer, so I've decided that every time I have a tea break, I'm going to draw something. No theme, just something I can see whenever I stop. It will mostly be nature but I'll do other things too. It will be mostly in ball point as that's what I use at work. It might be on a sketch book, it might be on scrap paper.

Here's today's. I drew a willow twig, a spruce plantation and the outline of a road sign, on the back of an old map. The light isn't great where I'm staying.


Thanks for looking. 🙂
I think that's an excellent idea! I love the spontaneity of this drawing. Can't wait to see more from you! ❤️
Kay, the idea is a good one and your first has a lot of suggested detail which makes it a great little sketch.
Teatime Sketches is an excellent idea, Kay! I hope sketching with help put your slump behind you. The willow twig is a beautiful study - you are already off to a good start!
Doing "Teatime sketches" is a brilliant idea. No pressure, a casual time limit, but you're making marks and creating something. I love your willow twig, and your scribbled notes. ❤️

I agree with Donna: you're off to a good start!
Many thanks CaliAnn, Wayne, Donna and Terri. Hopefully I can keep this going. 🙂
I love it - the turbine isn't bothering me a bit. I love this little scene, and can envision it outdoors easily!

So few elements, yet you've offered up a complete drawing. ❤️
The first sketch is great, the turbine is great but that little willow twig is special. Very good. ❤️
Nice one! I don’t think you’re going to have trouble finding subject matter. It’s everywhere!
Thanks Terri. All the different parts of the scene were in different places. I'm glad you like it.

Thanks for looking in Snoball. I enjoyed drawing the twig. I have a thing about trees.

Thank you Donna. You're right, there are things to draw everywhere, once you start looking!
Great idea, Kay, and I like what I'm seeing thus far!
"Teatime" caught my eye as I sit at the computer sipping the sugar water that we in the SE US refer to as Sweet Tea 😄 I've been experimenting with cardamom in my hot morning tea.
Wonderful plan! I love these, especially the windmill. Keep it up. I'm already inspired because I have a LOT of slumps. Ha. ❤️
Thanks Lamar! I just like plain old black tea with milk. Although my 'tea breaks' at work are usually just coffee out of a flask, or water :)

Thanks for looking in, Ayin, I'm glad you are inspired. :)
Many thanks Moscatel! 🙂

I had one left to post from last week but I've left it at work. I'll try and keep my new habit going over the weekend and into next week though!
Here's the one from the end of last week. I had planned on stopping again to add some plants around this old broken fence, but I was just too busy.


And a quick one from today of a peace lily, as I sit in the office by myself
