Scavenger Hunt from Life #95: Dec 14 - Dec 22

Jo Castillo

Supporting Member
We haven't seen Paul in a while. Hope Paul is OK. Re-posting his Hunt from July. Most items were outside, but feel free to associate and substitute.

Welcome to the Scavenger Hunts from Life.
The Hunts were started in 2006 by Jamie Williams Grossman as a way to practice with prompts. Artists have come and gone while forming some lasting friendships. We hope you will join in and tune up your sketching skills. All levels and techniques are welcome. We hope you can have some good times here. You can travel the world seeing the sketches of items at hand by the artists.

If you’ve participated in at least one Scavenger Hunt and have time to host one we would really appreciate it. You can sign up by posting your name on the current hosting schedule in the Art From Life forum here:
Here are the rules for the Hunt:
*All everyday common items on the list must be sketched from life – not imagination or photo reference.
*Each object you draw can count for only one item on the listless, no matter how many shapes/parts/colors that object contains. This was agreed on by unanimous vote among the participants.
*You may place multiple objects together in a drawing or painting, and may count these objects as separate items, but no single object can count for more than one item.
*All items posted must be numbered. Count them as you go. The first item you post will be #1 regardless of its place on the list. Do them in whatever order you wish, but count them in the order in which you sketch them, from 1 to 26.
*Do as many or as few of the items as you like. You don’t have to finish the entire list to participate. The Scavenger Hunt “week” will last for 9 days, with the next hunt starting on the 9th day.
*Please tell us your size, surface, medium, and the amount of time it took you for each sketch. We love hearing about your subjects and setups. Photos of your subjects are welcome.
*Have fun!
*** If you have some hunt sketches completed but little time to read/comment, please post your sketches anyway. Commenting is appreciated but not required!

Scavenger Hunt from Life #95: Dec 14 - Dec 22

Let's get outside while we can. Here are outside items that can be found in the
neighborhood, gardens, parks, and a few rainy day items. Enjoy!

In the Neighbor Hood:
1. Neighbor Hood Street lamp
2. Neighbor Hood Mailbox
3. Neighbor Hood Fire hydrant
4. Neighbor Hood Birdhouse
5. Neighbor Hood Outdoor stairs

In The Garden:
6. Garden Flower
7. Garden trellis
8. Garden gnome
9. Garden gate

In The Park:
10. Park bridge
11. Park pathway
12. Park picnic table
13. Park swing
14. Park Bench
15. Park Bicycle Riders
16. Park Walkers
17. Park Gazebo
18. Park water feature (such as a waterfall, pond, or beech etc)
19. Park sculpture

Rainy Day Items:
20. Lamp
21. Vase
22. Mirror
23. Coffee mug
24. Kitchen utensils (spoons, forks, knives)
25. Sofa
26. Candlestick holder

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Jo—- Thanks for posting new list

man the days fly by, heh! That’s why it is good to try and sketch a little everyday . I have a couple pages in old sketcher I say where I was drawing little things on bits of paper everyday and pasting in sketcher….. it was interesting

Ai - so cool having that immediate sketching environment .
Jo: Thanks so much for the list and stepping in for Paul. Today Iris is taking the Thai national medical electives subjects as a part of Thai national college entrance exam today. Pls. wish her luck. She is aiming for the tough med. school here. Stay well and safe my friends.
Ai -- best luck to Iris!

Tried something today... my usual pocket sketchbook + pen + 2 ink wash mini brushes fits in my back pocket. Today I added a 3rd mini water brush to that, and put the watercolor box in my front pocket ( the watercolors are in a box smaller than an "altoids" box ). Seemed fine!

Rain is coming tomorrow night, and supposed to last for a few days, so definitely wanted to get outside today! Hopefully tomorrow too!

#1 park bridge
Jo, thanks for stepping in again and posting a hunt list.

Hi Joe & Robin.

Ai, good luck wishes for Iris!!!

Ned, nice work on the bridge. Bringing along a small watercolor set is a great idea. I have assorted small sets that are palm sized or smaller. They are very convenient to have with you.

I have sketches but didn't get to take photos yet. Will try to post them tomorrow.
The special visit to the late King's Taksin palace...He had reinged and established Thonburi as a capital on west side of Bangkok 260 years ago. Now the Thai Navy has helped to renovate clusters of these buildings and open them for public 2 weeks a year.

#1 sub. a park's gazebo with King Taksin's Throne Hall

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Best wishes for Iris…..

Wow. Both Ned and Ai are rocking thw watercolors… how it gives such constructive envy…..thanks

Hi Joe1, Jo and Joan …hope you have good day
Hi Ned, look who is first. I like your perspective on the bridge. Nice touch of color. Your landscape has life!

Hi, Joan!

Ai, oh my, we get to visit such interesting places with you. Such a fine drawing with details. Beautiful. Hope Iris had a good day and not too stressed.

Robin, love your associations and nifty finds for the items. The sculpture looks too real, I might flinch every time I would see it in the corner of my eye!
We haven't seen Paul in a while. Hope Paul is OK. Re-posting his Hunt from July. Most items were outside, but feel free to associate and substitute.

Welcome to the Scavenger Hunts from Life.
The Hunts were started in 2006 by Jamie Williams Grossman as a way to practice with prompts. Artists have come and gone while forming some lasting friendships. We hope you will join in and tune up your sketching skills. All levels and techniques are welcome. We hope you can have some good times here. You can travel the world seeing the sketches of items at hand by the artists.

If you’ve participated in at least one Scavenger Hunt and have time to host one we would really appreciate it. You can sign up by posting your name on the current hosting schedule in the Art From Life forum here:
Here are the rules for the Hunt:
*All everyday common items on the list must be sketched from life – not imagination or photo reference.
*Each object you draw can count for only one item on the listless, no matter how many shapes/parts/colors that object contains. This was agreed on by unanimous vote among the participants.
*You may place multiple objects together in a drawing or painting, and may count these objects as separate items, but no single object can count for more than one item.
*All items posted must be numbered. Count them as you go. The first item you post will be #1 regardless of its place on the list. Do them in whatever order you wish, but count them in the order in which you sketch them, from 1 to 26.
*Do as many or as few of the items as you like. You don’t have to finish the entire list to participate. The Scavenger Hunt “week” will last for 9 days, with the next hunt starting on the 9th day.
*Please tell us your size, surface, medium, and the amount of time it took you for each sketch. We love hearing about your subjects and setups. Photos of your subjects are welcome.
*Have fun!
*** If you have some hunt sketches completed but little time to read/comment, please post your sketches anyway. Commenting is appreciated but not required!

Scavenger Hunt from Life #95: Dec 14 - Dec 22

Let's get outside while we can. Here are outside items that can be found in the
neighborhood, gardens, parks, and a few rainy day items. Enjoy!

In the Neighbor Hood:
1. Neighbor Hood Street lamp
2. Neighbor Hood Mailbox
3. Neighbor Hood Fire hydrant
4. Neighbor Hood Birdhouse
5. Neighbor Hood Outdoor stairs

In The Garden:
6. Garden Flower
7. Garden trellis
8. Garden gnome
9. Garden gate

In The Park:
10. Park bridge
11. Park pathway
12. Park picnic table
13. Park swing
14. Park Bench
15. Park Bicycle Riders
16. Park Walkers
17. Park Gazebo
18. Park water feature (such as a waterfall, pond, or beech etc)
19. Park sculpture

Rainy Day Items:
20. Lamp
21. Vase
22. Mirror
23. Coffee mug
24. Kitchen utensils (spoons, forks, knives)
25. Sofa
26. Candlestick holder

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I feel the world is telling me I need to do more than peruse these posts. Brett Whitely is a well known Australian artist. Watched a You Tube where he was interviewed , my summary - not verbatim. I might need to change my thinking?

I draw because 1. I want to learn something about something 2. I want to show something about something, and 3. I want to show off.
I feel the world is telling me I need to do more than peruse these posts. Brett Whitely is a well known Australian artist. Watched a You Tube where he was interviewed , my summary - not verbatim. I might need to change my thinking?

I draw because 1. I want to learn something about something 2. I want to show something about something, and 3. I want to show off.
Ok, I'm officially worried. Maybe drawing is not just like taking terrible tasting medicine :)

Just found this 'drawing' article in a newsletter
Ai -- Wow! Those are gorgeous, both in different ways. I think I like your painting of the throne hall better than the real thing. The dark sky in the 2nd one almost makes it glow.

Robin -- that cricket drawing is so cool!

Joan -- thanks. I watercolors with me again today. I didn't use them, but it's going to be good to have the option.

Jo - hi!

JennieJo -- Hi! I spent most of my life thinking "I can't draw". One reason I draw now is that part of me is surprised when the result is recognizable at all. I like to think even sketches have some part of how we see the world in them, and I like the feeling I get while drawing. Sometimes I think that feeling is the most important reason to do it.

#2 picnic table at the "umbrella tree" at Sonoma Mountain Regional Park.

Robin, I love that you were able to find indoor items to associate and fit the hunt items. Super sketch of the grasshopper sculpture.

Ai, I hope Iris did well. How did she think she did on the exam? That is a lovely painting! It has a special feel to it.

Jenny-Jo, I think drawing is important and can be a finished piece or just a step to another medium. I think most of us draw because we have to. I know I do!

Ned, you did a good job on the perspective of the picnic table. I hope you sat and ate something. 😄

This was done for Sketchmas in Bryant Park in NYC. I went in to meet friends for dinner and a show but went in early so I could sketch a tall building which was the prompt. The rest was a bonus.
1 - park skaters (sub for bike riders) - watercolors and ink
2 - park lodge (sub for park gazebo)


3 - outdoor stairs - watercolors and ink


Today I was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC. Usually when I go there I just sketch, but I went with a group that was there to see the exhibits. I did squeeze in two tiny sketches on a pad that was about 3 x 5.

4 - museum bench (sub for park bench) - watercolors and ink

5 - museum sculpture (sub for park sculpture) - pencil
Joan & Jo & Ned & all: Thank you. Iris, did OK (from her words) but there were so many great students from many schools around Thailand... So we won't keep our hope much, just try our best. Tone and I try to give her our best support. However, the last round of national college entrance exam will be again in March 2024... So she has to continued on her academics preparation for that exam.

Joan: Love your Sketchmas, in various subjects and style. I love the lively you have capture on the winter lodge ring, and the shop front stairs. How you paint the building dark windows behind the tree are super. The indoor bench and sculpture are also awesome.

Robin: Love your sketches with dazzling lines and colors. Your lines express very well and give all your subjects enchanting spirit.

Ned: Glorious nature and park items well captured. Hope one day, I will be there to capture the scene with you. You have lived near the majestic nature.

Uhm...I paint/sketch/do art because I am still alive and can do it. I love the impression of simple things (or not-so-simple things) that left on my mind. I love that painting/sketching let me appreciate small things around me. I had one high-calibre artist friend but she had passed away too soon due to cancer... So If I am alive and able to paint or draw, I won't hesitate !!!
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#2 -- again a re-post of my last night nocturne sketch, event organized by my BangkokSketcher group, on the deck of one of the building in a historic BangLamPhu Museum, of Bangkok. It took me about 1.5 hour. Recently, the city of Bangkok, throws in several light-and-sound at many museums around the city in 4 weekends of December, like a holiday gift to everyone from the city. I repost because last night I was so sleepy to throw in the proper description words... lol.

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