Peach Blossoms and Bottles


Well-known member
These are each about 5"x7", ink and watercolor in XL Mix Media sketchbook. I am posting the ink only version and then with watercolor added.

Peach Blossoms

I tried to show droplets on the petals but they were too tiny and just ended up little black blobs. Oh well.

20230922Sk9 Peach Blossoms (WDE).png

20230922Sk9 Peach Blossoms-color (WDE).png

Glass Bottles

20230923Sk9 Glass Bottles (WDE).png

20230923Sk9 Glass Bottles-Color (WDE).png
I think they read as droplets, not blobs. And the bottles are especially wonderful. ♥️ Great job on both Anne!
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I love those peach blossoms. The bottles are great also but those peach blossoms are scrumptious. ❤️
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The blossom is beautiful, so delicate. Great job on the bottles too, especially the shine on the glass.
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Thanks Snoball and Kay. My favorite were the peach blossoms too.
These show teriffic skill with both media- very nice work here!

I find the bottles strongest- they appear to stand on their own without colour, and your w/c application appears strong enough to not need said ink- well done on both!
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