Monthly Art Prompts - February 2023


Well-known member
Create some art that is inspired by any of this month's prompts. Let your imagination soar. Turn on your creative juices.

All media and styles are welcome (drawing, painting, digital, photography, sculpture, multi-media, representational, abstract, etc.). It can be something done quickly, a finished work of art or anything in between. It can be created from your imagination, from life or a photo reference. If you use a photo reference, please make sure it has no applicable copyright restrictions.

Here are the prompts for February. Have fun interpreting them.


Post your finished (or unfinished) art in this thread. Post any time during the month, as many times as you would like.
Tell us a little about the work if you so desire. For example, you could include the medium you used, where you got your inspiration or how long it took. When you post, it's always nice to "like" or comment on posts made earlier in the thread by other artists. We all like acknowledgement of our work!

For help in finding reference images online, click on the link: Tutorial: How to Find Copyright-Free Reference Images.
If you have copyright-free images that go along with the prompts that you would like to share, you can post them in this thread for others to use.

If you would like to provide prompts for a month, sign up here.
Thanks for hosting.

Top Gear,Historical presenters of top Gear and other , they are very funny and good.
2023-02-02 16-40.jpeg
Lamar, what a clever idea!
Joe, I have seen many episodes and these are excellent!
CaliAnn, this is so serene. One could be calmed by it instantly.
Lamar: Love the Halo man - great response to Top. Made me smile ❤️
AJ: haha! Those are some big feet! Love it❤️
Joe, what a creative drawing for top.

CaliAnn, I love your ocean with the surf and waves coming in. Beautifully done.

Lamar, delightful halo. I got a nice chuckle out of this one. Interested media too.

Alabama, what a fun response to beach.

Everyone had been very creative with their responses. Thanks for participating. I look forward to seeing what you come up with for the other prompts.
Top Gear,Historical presenters of top Gear...
Very nice, Joe! Good likenesses rendered in your wonderful style :) And a clever response to the Top prompt!

CaliAnn, your seashore is beautiful and pacific. The reflections in the wet sand are are spot on! Very nicely done!

AJ, two birds, one stone! Very clever! Interesting that the the viewer is left to wonder why the standing figure's head is beyond the boundaries of the page. :unsure:
You seem to be moving in a more directly representational direction lately. It would be cool to be fluent in two modes (rep and abstract).