Monthly Art Prompts - December 2022


Contributing Member
Hello and welcome to December 🙂

Create some art that is inspired by any of this month's prompts. Let your imagination soar. Turn on your creative juices.

All media and styles are welcome (drawing, painting, digital, photography, sculpture, multi-media, representational, abstract, etc.). It can be something done quickly, a finished work of art or anything in between. It can be created from your imagination, from life or a photo reference. If you use a photo reference, please make sure it has no applicable copyright restrictions.

Here are the prompts for December. Have fun interpreting them.


Post your finished (or unfinished) art in this thread. Post any time during the month, as many times as you would like.
Tell us a little about the work if you so desire. For example, you could include the medium you used, where you got your inspiration or how long it took. When you post, it's always nice to "like" or comment on posts made earlier in the thread by other artists. We all like acknowledgement of our work!

Let the prompts spark your creativity. The most important thing is to have fun.

For help in finding reference images online, click on the link: Tutorial: How to Find Copyright-Free Reference Images.
If you have copyright-free images that go along with the prompts that you would like to share, you can post them in this thread for others to use.

If you would like to provide prompts for a month, sign up here.
Good ones. The wheels are turning in my head. I look forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.

Thanks for hosting this month.
Sparkle - wind surfer on Lake Champlain, New York.

The sail wing looks like this:

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Sparkle: Saw this shiny, metallic-looking beetle munching a flower:

2022 Beetle DSC_3788.JPG

Here's a closeup:

2022 Beetle DSC_3788 crop.JPG

They are known as fruit chafers, and as the name implies, they eat fruit and other soft plant material, and can cause quite a bit of damage in orchards and gardens. There are a number of different species of fruit chafers, and they are often big and colorful. Not so apparent in this particular photo, but these ones (they're pretty huge; about the size of a matchbox!) also sparkle in the the sun:

2022 Fruit chafer beetle DSC_3805.JPG

We have had good early rains this summer, and perhaps that is why I have been seeing lots and lots of these beetles around.
Erik - this is really creative! I really like how you've used the prompt. Thanks for joining in. 🙂

Brian - the beetle is beautiful. Huge too! Your photos really show off the colours and sparkle nicely.
Hello and welcome to December 🙂

Create some art that is inspired by any of this month's prompts. Let your imagination soar. Turn on your creative juices.

All media and styles are welcome (drawing, painting, digital, photography, sculpture, multi-media, representational, abstract, etc.). It can be something done quickly, a finished work of art or anything in between. It can be created from your imagination, from life or a photo reference. If you use a photo reference, please make sure it has no applicable copyright restrictions.

Here are the prompts for December. Have fun interpreting them.


Post your finished (or unfinished) art in this thread. Post any time during the month, as many times as you would like.
Tell us a little about the work if you so desire. For example, you could include the medium you used, where you got your inspiration or how long it took. When you post, it's always nice to "like" or comment on posts made earlier in the thread by other artists. We all like acknowledgement of our work!

Let the prompts spark your creativity. The most important thing is to have fun.

For help in finding reference images online, click on the link: Tutorial: How to Find Copyright-Free Reference Images.
If you have copyright-free images that go along with the prompts that you would like to share, you can post them in this thread for others to use.

If you would like to provide prompts for a month, sign up here.

The only current piece that future in in any way
Sparkle .. sunlight streaming through windows :) Making stars in my eyes
Mended ... mended work. I T's been 'revisioned' dozens of times.

A3ish size, canvas, acrylic
Brian, it seems that you live in a very beautiful nature ... Thanks for these nice photos.
Actually I live in the city, but there is a nice bit of open space not far from me, which has been developed (if that is the right word!) into a mini nature reserve. I often go stroll around there to recharge the batteries. :)
Nice work everyone.

Brian, your choice for "mended" was very clever.

This is one I did for the water media challenge that works well here for sparkle. I'm thinking of the bright bits of reflection on the chrome.

Ink and watercolor in XL Mix Media sketchbook, about 5"x7".

20221206Sk7 Yellow Car.png