Last film you watched

Went on a nostalgia trip and watched the 1979 Star Trek film.

When it first hit the theaters, I was in primary school and completely obsessed with space. We didn't have a TV at the time, and I was unaware of the TV series, and in fact knew nothing at all about it. But the film was space-related, so I had to see it.

At the time my English was, er, rather imperfect, and thus most of the quite subtle and intellectual plot was lost on me, but I was completely entranced anyway. :)

The film is actually still quite watchable, despite very dated visual effects.
I watch a lot of movies and then quickly forget what ones I saw. I suck at remembering the titles. I saw Glass recently and didn't realize it was about superheroes until I was a half-hour in. The Netflix preview didn't make that obvious. I wouldn't have watched it if I knew that because that's not my kind of movie. But upon the opening credit, when I saw who was in it, I made the investment. And in the end, I only thought it was okay because of the psychological aspects.

Yesterday, I finished a French doc series, Raël: The Alien Prophet. I found that more interesting. I know a lot of cults and had never known about this one. They were at the heart of the conspiracy of cloning the first human, which turned out to be a hoax. The group is still going strong in Africa. Cult leaders are interesting--how they get large groups to believe them.

Oh yeah, I also saw Zone of Interest. I really liked that one. The directing was pretty amazing. Glazer also wrote the screenplay. This was based on the life (or the partial life) of Rudolf Höss and revolved around his work and family life while he was the commandant of Auschwitz, living on the other side of its wall. It's partially how he and members of his family would psychologically endure it as "normal," yet perhaps how it affected them psychically, too, and how he was the key player in the Final Solution. Damn interesting! Maybe I loved this movie. It says with you.
Had occasion to watch Wyrm (2019). I really liked it not so much because it is inherently particularly brilliant, but simply because it is really weird. How delightful to see that in this age of script writing by committee, someone still has the guts to make something that's a bit out of the ordinary. Also, thank ye heavens, the film is actually colorful. Nowadays the vogue is to film absolutely everything through a grey filter.


Wyrm is in middle school, but with a twist: the film is set in a weird, parallel 1990s that's pretty much like the one we had, except kids are expected to go through a normal psychosexual development, with specific milestones they all have to reach. For middle school, you gotta have your first kiss. Everyone wears an electronic monitoring collar, that will only detach once you have kissed.

And Wyrm is the last one in his grade who has not yet completed this assignment, which puts him in danger of failing the entire grade. As you can imagine, he goes to some lengths to get this irksome duty done... :D

Here's a trailer:

The Last Vermeer. Caught it by chance, one of my fave Aussie actors, Guy Pearce, was in a surprise role. Might be biased, but thought he did well.
Been meandering my way through that old 1990s series, The X-Files. Ready to start Season 4 now, and thus far every bit as watchable as it was then.

The truth is out there. :)