Gangaikonda Cholapuram


Well-known member
These days I do not do pen and ink sketches as often as I would like to. Consequently I find my skills with a pen diminishing rapidly. To stave off losing them completely I have decided to do two or three pen and ink sketches every week.

This sketch is of the Gangaikonda Cholapuram temple in Tamilnadu, in Southern India. It is a 11th century Chola temple and the photograph that I used as reference was taken by my wife.

The sketch is approximately 5.5″ x 7″ in a Tara Notes Flukebook with glossy paper which is convenient to carry to work and back. I used a Micron 005, a Staedtler 01, and a Rorito Maxtron ink gel pen to do this sketch.

Gangaikonda Cholapuram - WC.jpg
I hate to disagree, but those are not diminished skills! Not only do I appreciate your technical skills, but I like the composition. Makes me want to travel!
Very well done. Sorry if you feel your skills are diminishing, but they seem to be well intact to me. ♥️
Beckett, snoball, Joe, Scamall, Fletch, and Artyczar...Thank you for your very nice comments. I am glad that you like my sketch. My sketching problems are age related. I have developed a tremor in my hand and my vision is not as good as it used to be. Both make pen and ink sketching somewhat difficult for me. And, for that reason I have been painting more often these days.
I too have a bad tremor. I have decided to embrace the character of the imperfect lines I make. I do have to make a faster swipe to get less of a wiggle in my lines, but I have just come to like that imperfection quite a lot. :)
I too have a bad tremor. I have decided to embrace the character of the imperfect lines I make. I do have to make a faster swipe to get less of a wiggle in my lines, but I have just come to like that imperfection quite a lot. :)
Thank you for the feedback. I haven't figured out yet what will work best for me. But the one thing that I have decided is not to abandon pen and ink sketching.