From the sketchbook


Well-known member
Hello again folks... after a while. Recently, I've been trying to change a style from more controlled brushstroke to little bit more relaxed and had this idea in my head but just couldn't do it while working on painting, so I'll post a progress from the sketchbook from time to time until you get bored with it :)

This little sketches were done on watercolor paper, the heaviest I could get - then primed with gesso and finally painted alla prima from life. Painting from life is a real treat and I started enjoying this because it is simple, quick and maybe takes me faster to where I intended to be when it comes to original idea. Practice, practice, practice. Size is between 5" and maybe 8" in general and I prefer somewhat square format, maybe slightly longer on one side.

Today, I'll put them in chronological order to see if there is any changes since I didn't really have time to look at them next to each other, so this will be convenient. First couple of them that I tested were just awful and since there is nothing to see but mud and some strange shapes - I will be more then happy to omit them 😆.

'Till next time - have a good one! All the best.






Strawberries 1

Strawberries 1.jpg

Strawberries 2

Strawberries 2.jpg



Fennel and onions

Fennel and onions.jpg
Quite a different style for you but very, very effective. I love them and the light you've put in with such a few strokes. ❤️
Very enjoyable Zoran.
The XL Acrylic and Oil pads are wonderful for oil. No need to gesso and they hold up real well.
Thanks so much for sharing these, Zoran, it’s interesting to see how your backgrounds developed as you went along. I like that you laid different colored strokes next to each other and left them. They are all beautiful but I love the fennel with its one defiant stroke of blue paint!
I like how these came out. It looks like they were fun to do too.
Had to come back and look again on my pc this time instead of my ipad. Absolutely exquisite stuff. When I grow up I want to paint like you.
Thank you @snoball , much appreciated - you are always so kind! Yeah... trying to see something different in simple objects before I move to something more complex. Fingers crossed!
Hey Wayne @Enyaw , hope all is well... will try that paper XL - didn't even cross my mind. Thank you for your kind comments! Ha ha, I wish we can go in reverse now at this age, right?
Hey Donna @Donna T , thank you so much... the idea was to lay them down as a mosaic, more of a "impressionist meets pixels" with realism joining the party :) Fennel is my favorite as well, so far, with single blue stroke as pure esthetics that somehow fills the void.
Hello Anne @ams , thank you very much... yes, way too much fun, although it seems that I've spent more time in prep and cleaning then actually painting :). Nevertheless, love doing this small paintings.

Thanks again guys, hope all is well and wish you all the best!

Wow. Viewed from a distance these are more real than realism. Super technique. Best of the crew.
Yes! Amazing how much detail there appears to be, yet it isn't really there! Tone does all the work and color gets the credit. ;) ❤️ ❤️
Gorgeous! The lost and found edges are so beautifully done and I love the effect of the “pixelated” background. These latest of yours remind me of the work of one of my favorites, Jon Redmond.
These are scrumptious. Both in the artsy way and the edible way. All are beautifully done. Applause.
Thank you Jo @Jo Castillo for you kind comment, much appreciated!

Hope everyone else is doing fine and thanks again for your comments...

Today I made another little sketch with some lemons in a same manner as above... and bellow you'll see where I used them as value study with values 3, 5 and 7 (Munsell value scale) to see if I am drifting away too much from drawing and value seeing in the old way (sorry for the glare, can't help it). For the value study I used old bristle filbert and to my surprise, there was no too much blending, although it looks like I was blending it like crazy; basically, it was just laying stroke after stroke next to each other and just smoothing transitions. It went really fast and it was a good exercise. There are some other sketches that I was experimenting on, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted them (mixing some glazes, etc) - so, I'll post only these.

Until next time, have a good one!



These are awesome! Plase keep them coming. I love those big brush strokes.
Beautiful work, Zoran! The limited values in the monochromatic study work so well! Thank you for mentioning that only a little blending was needed - I would have thought you had to do lots more.
These are all beautifully done, Zoran. Dramatic yet understated in style. Pure eye candy!

Keep 'em coming!