Flame-color flower vines ... at roadside cafe


Well-known member
We were heading out of Bangkok for 1.5 hour, reaching Rajburi province of Thailand. We had a cafe stop there... I stayed there longer than my initial plan as I could not resist sketching their flower vines... done in directwatercolor on 9x11 inch Skatchbook.


This is lovely! I don't blame you for staying longer at this beautiful little Cafe. You have a wonderful capture of the scene. Well done!
This is a sweet scene. You captured the ambience and a great feeling of being there for sure. Well done.
Love your direct style. Always enjoy when you share the subject with your paintin.
Ai, you have gotten so good at direct watercolors for sketching. Great job on the flowering vine.
Ai, you have gotten so good at direct watercolors for sketching. Great job on the flowering vine.
Thanks so much Joan, also I want to do it fast... and not have to draw first save time but I also mess up some too...:)
Thanks so much Joan, also I want to do it fast... and not have to draw first save time but I also mess up some too...:)
Just read this yesterday in wc book and you sure prove it true! “The more you’re brave enough to fail at something, the faster you’ll succeed!“