

Supporting Member
This is a demo I did once to help someone out with eyes. I don't know if anyone will find it useful or not. If not, just keep scrolling. ;)

The first is showing that the orb of the eye is not fully seen in the human eye but shows the parts that are hidden from view.


The next image shows that when the head is turned, the iris and pupil change shapes in the drawing or painting.


The 3rd image shows all the parts assembled.


And lastly a finished eye.

That's great, thanks snoball! I've been drawing eyes lately, these are new to me!
Sno, thank you so very much for this! Of course it is useful. Thanks for your expertise. ♥️
Thanks Arty, I can see now that I could have done a better job of it but don't have time right now to make adjustments. :giggle:
That's great, thanks snoball! I've been drawing eyes lately, these are new to me!
Thanks Zen, if it is helpful at all, I'm glad. As I told Arty, I can see now where I could make some improvements that would make it all easier to understand and may do another later. All the best in your drawings. (y)
Snoball, yes, it is very useful, thank you very much.

they are already helping me, observing them, and they also reminded me of what you told me to practice with single elements, one thing I had to do again, in a page of the skettchbook a5 krafat, I had started a page, I will make more pages starting from these your visual notes, thank you very much
Joe, I'm so glad it was somewhat helpful. I plan to make a more thorough one and will post it here when I make it.
A lot of my portraits ended up with googly eyes so this bit of instruction is very helpful. Thank you!
I'm glad it is useful to you OleKobe, I am working on a better demo. Hopefully, in a few days I can post it.
Love this, Sno - thank you! I'm glad to read that you're planning on another demo for those of us who find eyes challenging. ❤️
I don't know if this helps any or not but I tried to clarify it just a bit. A person can find so many eye tutorials that looking at this is probably unnecessary, but maybe it will be helpful to someone.
eye demo.jpg
Love this, Sno - thank you! I'm glad to read that you're planning on another demo for those of us who find eyes challenging. ❤️
Thanks Terri. I don't mean to let on like I think I'm better at this than anyone else, I just know that many do find the different features challenging and I love to help anywhere I can.
Snoball, thank you very much, for the nice guide, and for the new clarifications, yes, I had found it beautiful and helpful, I had immediately pressed on bookmarks so as not to forget, thanks again.
Great demo. Look at the final generated drawing, it's really beautiful and real. Thank you for such detailed instructions.