Does working out boost creativity in your opinion?

Mississippi Hippie

Well-known member
I’m experimenting with this… I’ve ran for 30mins-60mins a day for a month now… normally I was inactive most days of the week. I do feel better about my paintings. Something… is.. better? 😆 now I’m addicted to running.. so it best be better. I cannot put it into words.. but painting seems more rewarding. I feel more confident. And I’m making more art then I have in awhile. Practicing new techniques and am generally bolder with art. I recommend it.
That is just awesome!! Keep it up! It's fairly well known that exercise releases our "feel-good" endorphins, dopamine and things that improve our moods. It's the whole mind and body inter-connectivity. :)

I can't run for pleasure - my knees are crappy and I used to get shin splints too! But I do like plain old walking, and yoga too.

Boosting creativity itself - I don't know. But if you're feeling good after exercise, that's a great mindset to start with. ❤️
Exercise certainly helped me out when I was doing it regularly... before COVID. It made it far easier to deal with the physical challenges of working quite large and increased my stamina... so I was going into the studio more frequently and for longer periods of time. I would like to get back into the swing of things.
Exercise certainly helped me out when I was doing it regularly... before COVID. It made it far easier to deal with the physical challenges of working quite large and increased my stamina... so I was going into the studio more frequently and for longer periods of time. I would like to get back into the swing of things.
Yes get back into it. I hardly worked out the past two years.. getting back at it has helped every aspect of my life.
I exercise a fair amount to maintain conditioning, and for general overall health. I run, lift weights, stair walk, speed walk, and do isometrics. I used to do a lot of yoga, but I didn't have time for it with all the other aerobics and strength training. (Plus I participate in recurve archery and target shooting.) It would be great if it helped my creativity, as I really struggle with interpretation of a subject.
I exercise a fair amount to maintain conditioning, and for general overall health. I run, lift weights, stair walk, speed walk, and do isometrics. I used to do a lot of yoga, but I didn't have time for it with all the other aerobics and strength training. (Plus I participate in recurve archery and target shooting.) It would be great if it helped my creativity, as I really struggle with interpretation of a subject.
You sound very in health!! I can hardly interpret subjects.. it’s hard for me to even comprehend that statement… 😆
lol .. I'll tell that to my shoulder as I lie awake in pain because I thought I could scale a hill like I could 20 years ago.

go to it an' do it while you can .. it is beneficial and will strengthen your body and and mind.
Yes!! As for the pain.. I suppose that’s what advil is for? 😆
You are never to old to start, ZD.
Don't say that, I'm pushing 80 this year. Might be pushing daisys before that. 40 years ago, I ran a hiking trail in the woods behind my house for 10 minutes. Over stumps and rock and roots. Both ways. Uphill. Naked. In the snow. Today, I climb 14 steps of stairs to go to bed. Again at 3:30. I have a set of free weights I look at. If they don't kill me they will make me stronger. knees are just fine because I never got into jogging. :LOL:
Don't say that, I'm pushing 80 this year. Might be pushing daisys before that. 40 years ago, I ran a hiking trail in the woods behind my house. Over stumps and rock and roots. Both ways. Uphill. Naked. In the snow. Today, I climb 14 steps of stairs to go to bed. Again at 3:30. I have a set of free weights I look at. If they don't kill me they will make me stronger. knees are just fine because I never got into running. :LOL:
Oh wow!! I wouldn’t have thought u were older than 40!!
Personally, I just don't like a lot of sitting around. I wouldm't be able to sleep at night if I were sedentary all day. One is never too old to increase their level of fitness. Many problems of aging are related to deconditioning and a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise certainly boosts brain function. Use it or lose it! The hardest steps are between the living room and your front door.
Personally, I just don't like a lot of sitting around. I wouldm't be able to sleep at night if I were sedentary all day. One is never too old to increase their level of fitness. Many problems of aging are related to deconditioning and a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise certainly boosts brain function. Use it or lose it! The hardest steps are between the living room and your front door.
So true. All levity aside, I belonged to a local gym until about 5 years ago when they went out of business. I do have free weights that I use. But I spend way too much time sitting on my butt at the computer. I have to force myself out the door to address our large lawn and wood lot. Otherwise, driving into town to do grocery shopping, which I enjoy, and that actually involves a lot of walking. Outside of a semester in high school playing soccer, I never got into serious running or jogging on hard roads.
I try to walk daily, but I haven't been lately. It's great for your mental health, as well as your physical, of course. I can't "work out" much because I have limitations, but I do what I can. Any movement is better than none. I think it helps creativity and everything else.
Well, I been doing to little of this and it effects my overall energy. I'm sitting still in front of the computer all day long. And often also sitting still during the evenings. Exercise make my body and mind feel a lot better, so I suspect it's good for my creativity too. Now it is spring/beginning of summer here, so now it will be easier to go for walks.