

Well-known member
Hello again guys,

this one was done, 30cm by 40cm or appr. 12" by 16", just recently in one sitting/pass and paint is still fresh so there is some glare in certain spots on photos. Unfortunately, camera can't capture all the color *there is much more going on in orange clementines - lots of greens and blues, but the idea is there. Still on a path of leaving brush marks somewhat visible and no blending (except some edges with a fingertip).

Also, there is a process bellow if anyone interested.

Have a good one... Zoran


Very nice but the semi-opaque color over the table seems to look like smoke. I think a more opaque color from the table or a compliment would have worked better Or simply to cover the whole. I think as a great artist you are so concentrating on one thing you overlooked the obvious. You can tell me to eat crow and disappear but it is an honest observation.
Very nice but the semi-opaque color over the table seems to look like smoke. I think a more opaque color from the table or a compliment would have worked better Or simply to cover the whole. I think as a great artist you are so concentrating on one thing you overlooked the obvious. You can tell me to eat crow and disappear but it is an honest observation.

Hey Wayne... Yes, I appreciate critique and no - no need to eat crow when we have much nicer birds to be on a menu :). Still, one under the belt and something to take for another one.

All the best and till next time...
no need to eat crow when we have much nicer birds to be on a menu
😂. A good practice for looseness is to take a few pictures and paint over them trying to get the essence in the least amount of strokes. After a few successful attempts your mind will be free of how to and your body can be busy with the task. Mindlessness always works better.
So incredibly lovely, Zoran. Thank you for posting the process images. That is always such a treat. Beautiful work! ♥️
Verdaccio underpainting? Luminous clementines, but for me the bowl stole the show.
Beautiful, lovely brushmarks (I like to see them!), lovely palette too! Looking forward to your next one. 🙂
@Artyczar , thank you Ayin, really appreciate it! Probably will put some more photos with next one. Just have to keep reminding myself to take a photo while working, usually I just get carried away and simply forget or it's too late into process. Thanks again!

@Bongo , thanks a lot for your comment. Actually, it is recycled canvas with muddy light grey oil paint (leftovers from the palette) that acts as a ground and on top of it was a quick establishment of composition as well as lights and darks - all done in raw umber (1st step) that took no more then 15-20 minutes. Actually there is no proper underpainting with all the drawing, drying time etc. but rather all done in alla prima. Yes, the bowl was a 3rd element in the story :). Thanks again...

@Triduana , thank you Kay for your kind comment, much appreciated! Yes, moving into that direction, but still feeling that brush is not doing what the intention was but slowly it will get there... I hope, fingers crossed :)
There's a lot to love here - I must agree with Bongo about that bowl. The light is hitting it so perfectly, I think it's waving at me and wants to be acknowledged! :LOL: The clementines and berries are luscious. I like the loose feel here.

Thank you for posting your process shots - love seeing them!