Art and Humor


Well-known member

Gosh, I don't believe I have EVER pitched a piece of my art in my life. Some pieces go over better with judges than others, for sure, but I treat every piece of art as though it will hang in a place of prominence some day. My attitude is based upon a specific "discipline" I adopted, when I first began painting, and it has seemed to have paid off throughout the years. That discipline has prevented me from "pitching" any piece of art that I didn't feel was "working out", while I was working on it. If I hadn't set that discipline in place, I would NEVER have created any piece of art that I have created, perfectionist that I tend to be. Well.......I'm sorry, but I just never throw away ANY of my art. Oh, I have GIVEN some away, and offered a couple to charity auctions, but I have never thrown any piece of my art away, or put it aside while it was in progress.
Some of these are plain priceless.
How was it possible we've been here all the weeks without missing this thread?
Gosh, I don't believe I have EVER pitched a piece of my art in my life. Some pieces go over better with judges than others, for sure, but I treat every piece of art as though it will hang in a place of prominence some day. My attitude is based upon a specific "discipline" I adopted, when I first began painting, and it has seemed to have paid off throughout the years. That discipline has prevented me from "pitching" any piece of art that I didn't feel was "working out", while I was working on it. If I hadn't set that discipline in place, I would NEVER have created any piece of art that I have created, perfectionist that I tend to be. Well.......I'm sorry, but I just never throw away ANY of my art. Oh, I have GIVEN some away, and offered a couple to charity auctions, but I have never thrown any piece of my art away, or put it aside while it was in progress.

Well, you may be a rarity, and it's also just a funny comic, meant to be exaggerated. ;)

I can relate to thinking what I'm going it good, then hating it the next day. I've destroyed a few, but not that many. And I've painted over a handful. I haven't used a blowtorch, but if I had access to one...