What do you think?


Well-known member
Could this make a good painting?


Walked by this yesterday on my way to do Plein Air. That tall structure in the background is the Space Needle. Thinking about doing it as an 18" x24" with acrylics.

But not everything that makes a good photo makes a good painting. so what do you think?
Of course! It looks full of busy details, but has a very distinct foreground, middle- and background, and you have proven time and again that you know exactly how to make these kinds of elements work for you. ;) It's going to be awesome!
The photo has verisimilitude. That's a big part of why it works imo. A painting would have a distant skyline with a bunch of abstract shapes in the foreground. It could work as a realist painting - but I'm not a realist painter.

BUT - today I took a shot at doing it Plein air anyway and just because.
When I took the photo - it was chilly, but clear skies - and the sun this time of year travels low on the horizon so you get lots of cool backlit scenes. But today it was overcast and bitter cold - I think 36 degrees. And then it started to rain. Not much but enough to ruin an oil painting. So I turned the painting upsidedown and held it with one hand while I threw all my supplies - palette, brushes, OMS, etc. on the wet muddy ground. The bottom of the Yarka is where I carry a wet panel- so I had to clear out everything.

The rain as it turns out did little damage. I got the whole scene painted but it still needs color and value adjustments. It's coming along better than I thought it would - but we'll see.