
Queen Bee

Well-known member
Oct. 2021 Tiger CP 9x12 Artagain black dp.jpg

9x12 Artagain black paper
Outstanding - this is one of my fave pieces that you have done. The directional brushstrokes and expert layering of color really make it sing. I don't do CP; it seems so labor intensive. Oh, and whiskers are very natural looking.
Thanks Joy and Jo. I love using colored pencils. They do take a lot of time. On the plus side they are not messy and are easy to travel with.
Maybe I should try. I have the coloured pencils and I have a wonderful book by a wonderful coloured pencil artist with tips how to do it. I guess I’m always afraid I’m gonna end up like we did as kids in school with a great big waxy mess with too many layers. Of course those are the cheap pencils.