Sit and Sip Stage


Well-known member
So, Dear Husband has been ... not well the last week or so, so I've had a lot of extra chores to do and, of course, it's been hotHotHOT! here and heat doesn't play nice with nerve damage, so while I'd started this early last week, I could only work on it little bits at a time 'cause-- life. But, I finished all areas and bits, which means I am now at Sit and Sip- a time to just relax and glance at the piece and away to see what, if anything (HA! LOTS of things usually) stick out as needing a bit of attention.

So far, I need to adjust edging on the dangling grapes and go into the carafe's handle areas and decrease the too-flat passages of the brass-appearing bits- it's-- wrong. Anything else that jumps out at anyone- especially all those damned ellipses- feel free to tell me so I can fix it.

Large, 22" x 28" (55 x 710 cm?) on UArt sanded.


  • czechgrapesyellowinefin01.jpg
    71.6 KB · Views: 41
Nice composition and balance.

The left side light reflection of carage's glass neck, does not seem to follow the shape suggested by of the far right reflection. It make the neck look bent and leaning backwards.
Oh, I like this. I agree on the highlight. Otherwise it is spot on as the Brits say. Ellipses on the tray and cups are great. Bottle, too. I'm smiling.
Hi JStarr,
I find the light confusing. The cups and grapes seem right to left but the decanter seems left to right. Agree about the neck looking twisted. Good combo of color.
Nice composition and balance.

The left side light reflection of carage's glass neck, does not seem to follow the shape suggested by of the far right reflection. It make the neck look bent and leaning backwards.
Thanks- got it. Will give it a hiding (get it? ;) )
Oh, I like this. I agree on the highlight. Otherwise it is spot on as the Brits say. Ellipses on the tray and cups are great. Bottle, too. I'm smiling.
Thank you, Jo- just glad it's done. Been a rough week-plus.
Hi JStarr,
I find the light confusing. The cups and grapes seem right to left but the decanter seems left to right. Agree about the neck looking twisted. Good combo of color.
Thank you, Wayne. I can see what you mean. I'll take care of that one.
It's a beautiful painting. I see what the others are saying. I thought the same thing about that left-side reflection on the glass not flowing in the correct direction with the glass shape, but other than that it's stunning! ♥️
Thanks, Madam- it's fixed. I'd try to get pics again, but we are off to medical appts.