Portrait in the Final stages of completion


Well-known member
When I was a young man in college, I would often spend some time at the homes of my Catholic friends. Quite often they would have, displayed on their walls, a portrait of Jesus Christ, and right next to that, a photo of John F. Kennedy.

I always felt that doing so, automatically implied a great admiration, and reverence for the man who was, at that time, the president of the United State of America, and I admired their candor in doing so, even though I did not share their enthusiasm for that president.

Now, I have been continuing with my rather “experimental” method of portrait painting that I call my “progressive focus method”, and I have chosen for my subject, the current, president-elect of the USA, Donald J. Trump, for whom I have as much admiration, and reverence as my friends did for JFK.

This is an 11″ x 14″, quarter-inch MDF Panel. It is an oil painting that is in the later stages of progress, and I have painted this using no preliminary drawing, sketching, or gridding. Please examine a photo of this painting in the spirit in which I have posted it.

Please realize that it is still in progress.

This is very good and especially so since you did no preliminary drawing
of any kind !
How much time have you spent on it so far ?
That’s amazing for not having done any preliminary work! Your experimental method seems to work!
Hi Bill. How have you been? Nice seeing you here.
I remember your method. You’ve got his colouring correct and that’s saying something! I’m not trying to be rude. I’m just saying it is unusual to have such a warm orange skin tone. It looks correct. And I really love how you have his suit blending into the background on the right. It’s very effective pushing the face forward. I am interested to see your next steps.🙂
Thank you, everyone. Patricia, I really haven't kept track on my time on this one.....sorry. Just a few hours, I'm sure. Sno, good to have your feedback. You and I do go back a long time, don't we? You are a much better portrait painter than I am, so thank you for your kindness.