

Contributing Member
Landscape 9x12", watercolor on wc paper. Inspired by Carl Weber. How can I improve this piece? Crits/comments welcomed. Thanks for looking.

Great painting ntl - I love those clumps of trees and bushes! I think if it were me, I'd have more blue sky color reflected in the water - I think that would help break up all that green
Beautiful painting ntl. Would agree with CaliAnn about adding some blue to unify. I would also suggest adding some strong but slightly warmer darks to the foreground, than you have in those mid ground trees. Adding some yellow/light brown to the white reeds in mg? and elsewhere in fg would also help to warm it up. I say this as CaliAnns mention of 'all that green' reminded me of a tip i read in Handbook of Watercolour Tips and Techniques by Arnold Lowery, Wendy Jelbert, Geoff Kersey, and Barry Herniman about green being a cold colour, and people in general not wanting to hang a cold painting on their walls. 4 books in one, I wish i bought it sooner.
I agree this is beautiful! I admire those of you who can do watercolors without making them look overworked. This is so fresh!
CaliAnn, Thanks and good catch. I added some blue to the foreground water, I think I can do a bit more.
Jo, thanks!
Arnie, Thanks for your reply. I hope to add more brown/ochre to a few areas, too. Obviously what is there is not enough. Mostly in the near foreground, and barely showing in this photo. It's good to have tips and techniques in one place, and somewhat easily found. :)
Donna, thanks!
I appreciate your comments and suggestions, already this piece looks better. I hope I don't mess it up tomorrow.
Lovely landscape.
I think adding the suggested blue in the water would be technically very difficult as this is painted in watercolor. I think I would not touch it.
Laika, Thanks.
E.J.H. Thank you, too. I'll be as careful as I know how to be. I did add some blue and I think it helps. I may add a bit more. And a few more brown grasses to the FG area. Maybe even mid ground, but am apprehensive about that. I'm not, never have been pleased with the sky, but won't touch that.
Cool! Yeah that´s of course the other side of it, not to be to precious with a work, and go for it.
It can be a difficult decision often times with watercolor I find, when to let it be, and when to push on.
I am interested to see the improvements.
(I do like your sky btw, nice and subtle, soft wet in wet, well done I say)
Beautiful work! It's a lovely composition and you handled the watercolors with skill here. ❤️ The palette is understated, I agree, but doesn't bother me in the least.
This is GREAT ntl! I'm extremely impressed. I think it's excellent as is, but maybe you could blend and intensify the sky a bit to give the rest of the elements dynamic contrasts. Really well done! ♥️
Terri, thank you. This is probably a basic composition, but it is a study (partial, anyway) of a Carl Weber painting. My foreground is vastly different :oops:! I appreciate your comments, I'm a beginner with watercolor.

Arty, thank you, too. I'm sorry, I don't feel sure enough of a way to add to the sky, so this will probably stay as it is. Though I'm considering it done for now, unless you all can guide me to more adjustments. I am considering an addition or two, but have other projects to work on as I cogitate on that!

Wayne, thanks for stopping in. I did add more blue to the water.

Thanks for all your suggestions. Following them certainly improved this piece. The result is in the following post.
The extra blue has linked the fg, and the extra grasses and detail have increased the depth. Very nice (y)
Hi NTL. I cannot really add anything constructive to all the comments, except to say you did a great job, really nice. Your final is more integrated, I'm always surprised how much "orange-brown" there is in grasses and how it amplifies in a painting. I guess it's the complimentries....