First shot with Neocolor II


Well-known member
Holiday present of 30 Neocolor II water soluble crayons. Wanted to try the out on something and we got a break today between the raging atmospheric river storms.

"Trees Like Dragons".

This is on inexpensive Canson "Charcoal" paper. Done with the crayones and a little water brush. 12x9". BTW, what media forum does this crayon belong it, watercolor, drawing???

Twin Pines Tree Neocolor 2 2023.jpg
I can see the dragon parts in this and like the range of lights and darks you were able to achieve. I'm surprised charcoal paper allowed you to use any water at all! Nice one, Bart!
Oddly, the charcoal paper wasn't a problem, but I wasn't going overly wet using a water brush, so maybe that's why no problems.

Reminds me of watercolor pencils more than anything.
Your doing a better job than me with these crayons. I bought a little set of ten a while back, didn't really get the hang of them.
More colors might help, but I think they are a bit too expensive to have a big set lying around gathering dust....
Thanks, EJH. Every medium is expensive to have a set lying around, especially dry soft pastels!

At least with soluble media you can go with a basic set and a Zorn-like palette of simple primaries to mix up anything. In theory these can mix as well. Even with 30, I can assure you I didn't find a lot of colors I would have liked to have had. Didn't bring along a palette to mix these, was just rushing through getting something done while the weather held.

Remains to be seen how and when I use them.
BTW, what media forum does this crayon belong it, watercolor, drawing???
In this case, user's choice. :) If you did this plein air, then it fits here just fine!

I have an old 30 piece set of these and haven't used them much - but enjoyed them for their versatility. I like your little dragon tree, turned out nicely!
I see the dragon. Cool!
I'm guessing that the Neocolor II pastels might be compatible with your Ceracolors. Something to think about :unsure:
What kind of crayons do you use? I just use crayola - a friend works as a waitress can collects them for me - it's the crayons they give kids to color with at the restaurant
I just got a set of Caran D'Ache Neocolor II. They're water soluble pro art wax crayons.
Nice. The variety of colors is helpful, allowing a greater range. These colors are more appealing to me than those if the box of ten, maybe you'll get more use with them. Yea, the water media section, but also whatever else. Probably not the fiber arts, photography, or oils forums though,:giggle::giggle:. Plein air, landscape, drawing, portraits, whatever, :giggle::giggle:. Enjoy!