A Few Recents


old man






Hello all: been awhile. Have not been painting as my meds are giving me grief. So this is all I've done in quite some time and I'm not sure when I will get up the energy to paint some more but had a change in a few meds so hopefully I can get to feeling alive again. Anyway these are my shots at spring and of course using strokes of paint to imply instead of painting the objects. Thanks for looking. Be back when I have something else to offer.
It’s good to see that you felt like painting again, Wayne! I hope the change in meds will allow you to be you again. These are lovely! The greens are especially appealing; so natural and full of life.
Excellent, all three. I can't decide between 1 and 2 as my favorite.Very good to see you painting again.❤️❤️
Good to see your paintings. I like the composition in #2 but the touch of water is nice in #3. I'm smiling.
Wonderful to see your work again, Wayne! I love your visions of Spring here. Those greens..... ❤️ The little bits of blue in #s 2 and 3 really set them off.

You sure don't have to have an offering to show up here and hang out with us, you know. ;) Your comments, insights and general painting knowledge are always welcomed!
Thank you Terri. Yes, I know but when I’m down I prefer not to spend the gloom. Glad you like them. I’ll definitely try to be more productive as that gives a good lease on life.
Beautiful to see some spring! And wonderful to see your work again. I'm sorry about the meds. I also know very well what you speak of. It is very difficult to make art when one is fatigued in the body and mind. Don't force it. It will spring out of you when it's time. ♥️
Thank you Ayin. Yes, difficult when the mind is mud and body is sap. However, all things pass. My BP was 225/100 ... probably had a lot to do with it. It's dropping now and I feel better in spirits. Only been a few days but it feels good to see a clearing in the forest.
WOW!!! Those are ER numbers! I thought mine ran high. My cardiologist put me on beta blockers and it is coming down.
For sure. He adjusted my heart pill which regulates the beat and the blood pressure pill. Coming down.
Glad to hear it! That was well into out-of-control range. Happy you're feeling better. ❤️
Greens show so nice in a greyish surrounding. Shows spring coming. Good collection of spring paintings.