4 PM Zinnias

Donna T

Contributing Member
These tall flowers are growing right outside my art room window so I got the pastels out and worked on them over a few days at about the same time. I chose a previously used and washed off surface that I made several years ago and the texture and color were probably not the best choice but I just wanted to practice. I was rewarded with several hummingbird visits so that was cool. 11x14 on textured, stained hot press watercolor paper. It's a little brighter and less-textured looking in real life but I can't get it to look that way.

Donna, stunningly beautiful ❤️ the hummingbirds visiting must have been spectacular moment! That's why we paint from life and enjoy nature the most unusual way while painting.
Gorgeous, gorgeous. So happy to see your pastel work. Fun to have the hummer visitors. I'm grinning and hugs to you.
Moscatel, thank you so much. Painting from life is what makes me happiest - photos are such a challenge for me.

Thanks Wayne. I’ll be saving the seeds so hopefully I can grow new models next year.

Jo, thank you very much. You know what a joy it is to feel a pastel moving across the paper and I’ve been missing it! Your beautiful geraniums inspired me to give this a try.

Thanks Murray, Sno and Ayin. It’s always so nice to hear from you.
Beautiful work, Donna! I love your colors here, flowers, background, all of it is bright and cheerful.

The hummingbirds sound like an extra treat. :)
Thank you Christine! I hope you are feeling well enough to do some artwork too.
Oh thanks Donna. That’s very kind of you. When I get tired, I take a few days where I just lay in bed. In fact, that’s why some of my little pieces are very sketchy and not what I’m quite happy with. Because I can’t sit at my desk and do it all properly. I don’t really have something to work on in bed except a book I’m trying to balance on a pillow! Lol But I’m glad to participate with you all, either commenting or doing some art. Gearing up for the abstract challenge I’m hosting September 1st! I will be getting on the bed for that one. I’m trying to stand for a little bit. And that’s good. It encourages me and motivates me.🙂
PS I really liked your stroke work in the background. Now was that a ground colour coming through or was that the paper colour? Either way it’s a lovely effect.🙂 You created an atmosphere of rich color, but also changing light. I love that in between low light under the folliage. Really like how you indicated brighter light with more intense blue behind the flowers from the top right (less ground coming through). Between the lighting and the strokes, it has a very dreamy quality. Fantastic.
Christine, I hope you know that thinking about art counts and it’s awesome that you can do little pieces here and there. I’m crossing my fingers that you’ll be able to stand a little longer each time you try - and if not you get points for trying! My left hand is still sore from doing this painting but it was worth it. Maybe a smoother paper would be easier next time, haha. A lot of the background is the dark paper color from my previous attempt. It works well there but not so much in the sky. 🙄 Is it Sept 1st yet? My abstract brain cell needs a workout.
Thank you Dawn. It is wonderful to have focus and motivation. Even if you have to start out with baby steps to get someplace, you can eventually get there.🙂 It’s been a good example for my 23-year-old daughter to see. We’re so used to instant gratification, instant everything. It has been an exercise in patience and perseverance. And she sort of got it in the end when I finally completed a painting that took increments of 2 to 3 minutes each for a long time.
I bet you do have a sore hand! Would it stick to a smoother paper? I made that mistake and I got 3/4 of the way done and none of the pastel would stick! It would just fall off the paper onto the floor! I couldn’t get into the art store and I had this really expensive thick, rough watercolour paper. I won’t even tell you what it cost per page. And I wanted to do this scene in pastel. I knew there was a risk this could happen. But it was rough enough. I thought I had a decent chance. But then it did, and it was a shame, it had been coming along much more nicely than I expected being fairly inexperienced in pastel. I had to stop. Nothing clung to paper.😶 Don’t risk that! Lol
Yep, gathering all my ideas for the abstract challenge for people to use as a jumping off point. There’s excitement around it so I’m pretty pleased about starting. I hope you’ll participate! We aren’t putting a time limit on it. No restrictions.