Phang Nga Bay, Phuket


Well-known member
This was inspired by the attractive welcome screen images that Windows 10 throws up. I simplified it to suit my skill level, and modified it to fit my paper ratio - 29 cm x 12 cm khadi watercolour paper.

Phang Nga Bay.jpg
Damn good! Agreed about the CA coast appearance, but any way you slice it, it's a really well done rendering.
Wow! Beautifully done, Balaji. I love the textures from this watercolor paper, too. A lovely rendering!
Balaji, not sure of your concern over skill levels. This is skillfully done, the washes are spot on, wet on dry etc. very nice.
Balaji, not sure of your concern over skill levels. This is skillfully done, the washes are spot on, wet on dry etc. very nice.
Murray...The image that I used as reference had a lot more nuances, in colours as well as in features and textures. I think that if I had not simplified the painting to the extent that I have done, I would have struggled and botched the painting.
Murray...The image that I used as reference had a lot more nuances, in colours as well as in features and textures. I think that if I had not simplified the painting to the extent that I have done, I would have struggled and botched the painting.
It shows skill to know what to leave in and exclude. Artists discretion.