First Snow ACEO


First Snow ACEO.jpg

A tangle of trees covered in the first snow of the season somewhere, not in Texas, a scene I've imagined. Size 3.5x2.5 wc on 140 lb cp.
I really love this Kay. It's a "pure" watercolor, and I love those. There's an abstract vibe to it too, which also appeals to me. It's wonderful. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️
Thanks everyone! I wasn’t sure it read as twisted trees. This was sent in an online card exchange so hope the recipient likes it.

Aspenman (Richard), so happy to see you here!
First thought--Oh-no, you have snow already! Glad it wasn't so. Sure looked real to me! Good job.
at first glance I thought it was a tripod setup in the snow .. like the abstract looseness to it.
Not only does this look real it makes me miss the woods I left behind in a recent move. It's a beauty!
Kay, great painting. Your paintings are always some of the ones that make me think about choosing watercolors as my primary medium. That dance of seduction only lasts until I start thinking about the time/effort/space watercolor setup takes vs even watercolor pencil (or in yesterday's case until I start reading my copy of Cathy Johnson's Watercolor Pencil Magic).
At first glance I saw a long legged wooden mannequin chopping at a tree crotch or lighting a fire there in the snow. Still trying to exorcise it.