16255(Blue Door)


Well-known member
I've passed this house many times and there is always weird stuff on display, today's offering was relatively constrained, my interest however, was the architecture. 16255 is the street number, and it has this strange bright blue door.

Notice not a single shadow to be found. I thought of adding some, but figured I had enough on my plate.
the sketch.

After a few freehand tries to make the arches, I discovered the cap on my brush washer had the perfect circumference. Thank heaven for pretty girls and small favors.

This guy came by and for reasons known only to him, starts spouting the uncondensed history of a cafe around the corner. Then come to find out he had seen me painting the Crest Theatre across from it and had the impression that I was painting said cafe at the time.

The real takeaway was that after all those many months he still remembered seeing me. Either he leads an uneventful life or there is something dare I say, "special" about a painter on the street that people remember. This has happened several times before. Once in the middle of a medical checkup my doctor suddenly realized I was the guy he'd seen painting on the street - more than a year prior..

making progress

"16255 (Blue Door)" oil on 16" x 20" panel.

comments welcomed.
This is so very nice. Great interpretation. Maybe they are from the southwest, Arizona or New Mexico, the blue doors and windows are popular and have meaning. I like your painting!
This is charming! I love it when folks give one bright color to an area of the house - often times it's the front door, or a window frame.

You did a fine job with the arches and representing this home. Nice work!
I really like how you did this house with its distinctive architecture and blue door! It does look charming. It’s good to know that you’re getting recognition as “that guy who paints out on the street”. Very cool thing to be known for!
Jo, Terri, Donna - thanks for stopping by and the kind words, much appreciated
I like the architecture also and good on you for leaving out the junk in front. Well done. ❤️
Another excellent Bongo piece with the style I've come to rely on. ;) This one would be a Christie's favorite. ♥️