Recent content by OliveOyl

  1. OliveOyl

    Abstract art and imagination

    Murray and Hermes offer some smart ideas here. Now, *I* can’t do anything abstract because I like to comment/point to the representational stuff out in “the world.” That way, emotionally speaking, I can stay detached. (No messy feelings ever coming outta me!) I think abstract art though is much...
  2. OliveOyl

    What are you up to?

    Hi. Beware of some major picture (and word) hogging up ahead. And MUST crop! So, the other day, I went for my second visit to the local botanical garden. (During the first visit, I accidentally got sunscreen in my eyes and so I was squinting and burning and watering the whole time and...
  3. OliveOyl

    Carmel & Big Sur

    Bart, I don’t know much about proper ways to use color, or not, (and I’m now toying around with fluorescents for god sakes). But, I happen to think your color choices here are VERY appealing. Really nice work…
  4. OliveOyl

    My Twisted Dog Heart

    Yes, I really love this one! It’s both controlled and loose, or thoughtful and free….AND…there’s something equally whimsical but also serious. I guess I could also explain it as balancing a lot of “artistic” tensions, like creating on a high wire. And to my eyes, THAT/THIS seems like a success...
  5. OliveOyl

    What are you up to?

    Oh no…is your dog okay??! Isn’t a copperhead a serious, hardcore snake? Did you chop it to death with a garden hoe? Speaking of hoes…last night, while trying to find some good weeding tools, I stumbled upon hula hoes! Never heard of them before and so ended up watching way too many videos of...
  6. OliveOyl

    What are you up to?

    A Skunk Cabbage Memory Story Behind our house…bunches of them lived in the swampy end of Lake Tiogue. They grew alongside the lily pads and green algae and a rotten stump that had a bird’s nest. I took the eggs out and brought them home. I hope I returned them at least, but I probably didn’t...
  7. OliveOyl

    Ganger's Hardware

    Oh yeah, I see it! And so now I vote for a rusty metal frame. I’ve done a few paper transfers on canvas before which came out okay, but it seems the best surface for transfers are wood panels. You know the ones with 2-3” cradled sides? I’m assuming you’ve done your transfers on them before? I...
  8. OliveOyl

    What are you working on?

    I’m on my fourth orange fluorescent painting and I THINK I’m getting the hang - more or less - on how to handle the color. They’re still not quite there and a little stupid of course, but it’s something different for me and so…fun. I have two more to do, in a size in between these two shown...
  9. OliveOyl

    Ganger's Hardware

    Okay, I love this….an old building, deserted town and interesting shadows. I want to find an old beaten up frame (wood or metal) and mount it right up to the squiggly edge along the image. But I’m not you although…my sister is named Terri (with an “i”) so we’re ALMOST related. Anyway…will you...
  10. OliveOyl


    Okay. I just went googling to see if there’s a “Spanish Flu museum” because I assume there have been plenty of exhibits about it through the years. But this is the link that first got my attention because I’ve always wanted to go to the Mutter Museum and have a coffee table book on all the weird...
  11. OliveOyl


    Thanks Sno and Bongo. Yes, don’t you think that soon…somewhere and someplace…somebody will think to start a pandemic museum of somekind? But who in their right mind would ever want to visit…?
  12. OliveOyl


    Aww, thanks Ayin….I missed you! Having just “checked in” with you in the places where I usually check in with you…I want you to know I’m wishing you all the best. You never cease to amaze me with the things you’ve overcome (and keep tackling) and still keep on trucking full steam ahead. Okay...
  13. OliveOyl


    Terri…nope, no family members. Just random images. I wonder how and where I found them all. And I wonder how I had the patience to do all those little hand-painted dots. But then again, what else was there to do…? (And thanks for the nice words).
  14. OliveOyl


    Thanks, Donna. I don’t remember how I did them, exactly. (I was delirious!) I finally got Covid 3 months ago and am now healthy and here to worry about something else… And FYI and not that it matters one iota but, it looks like I did something wrong with the posting. Missed a 4th pic from the...
  15. OliveOyl


    Hi there. And welcome back….to our collective hellish nightmare! It’s amazing to think back to all the crap we people have endured through a global pandemic and really, all the craziness we're enduring NOW. But looking at these two pieces recently I thought, “Well, maybe these weirdos came out...